Quickstart your projects with this API server Boilerplate. Uses ExpressJS, MongoDB, JWT, Mocha & Chai.
- Create a RESTful API server within minutes.
- Uses ExpressJS API Framework and MongoDB as database.
- Uses JWT for authenticating incoming requests.
- Uses Mocha and Chai for testing
- Uses ESLint and Airbnb JS style-guide to help write standard and clean code.
- OpenAPI 3.0 documentation
- Clone the repo to your local machine
- Dependencies: docker, docker-compose
- cd to the project root folder
- Create .env file with the required values. (See Creating .env file)
- Run the following command:
docker-compose up --build
This is the easiest way to get up and running as you won't have to install nodejs, mongoDB or Redis. Everything is run using containers.
Docker-compose has been set up to detect and reflect changes as you save them. No need to rebuild or restart the containers.
To stop everything, simply run:
docker-compose down
- Clone the repo to your local machine.
- Dependencies: nodejs v6.4.x+, npm v 5.5.x
- cd to the project root folder
- Create .env file with the required values. (See Creating .env file)
- Uncomment the first line in
file which is something like this:require('dotenv').config();
- Run the following commands in terminal:
# install the dependencies
npm install
# run the server
npm start
Once your server is up and running, you can access the documentation at http://host:port/api/v1/api-docs/
This project uses "dotenv" npm package to store and use enviroment variables. Create a .env file in the root folder. Inside this file, the following variables must be declared:
- NODE_ENV : 'production', 'development', 'test' or 'staging'.
- PORT : port on which to run the API server.
- DB_NAME : Name of the database you want to connect to.
- DB_USER : username with which to connect to the DB.
- DB_PASS : password of the above given user.
- DB_HOST : hostname of the server where the DB is located.
- DB_PORT : port of the DB service.
- JWT_SECRET : The secret key with which to sign your JWT Tokens.
- JWT_ISSUER : The name of the token issuing authority.
NOTE: You have to provide all the DB_* related variables in
file for the server to run.
This project uses ESLint with Airbnb JS style-guide. To use linting, please ensure that you have dev-dependencies installed for this project.
- You can additionally install the VS Code ESLint plugin by Dirk Baeumer.
- To manually check the code, run the command:
node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint --ext .js server.js app
Uses Mocha adn ChaiJS to run automated tests. You can use the results to integrate with CI/CD tools. Run the command "npm test" to run the tests.
Please note that running the tests clears the database. I have configured the scripts and code to use a mock db for the tests. In any case, please DO NOT override these settings and run the tests while connected to production database. You have been warned, and such a disaster is in no way, my fault.
Run tests with command:
npm test
This is just a boilerplate project and hence it might not be "perfect".
- If you want to enhance something, please fork this repo, make changes on your copy and submit a pull-request.
- If you want something added, please raise an issue.
- If you see a bug, please raise an issue OR fix it and submit a pull request.
Positive feedback and suggestions are appreciated.
- ishtiaque.zafar92 [at] gmail [dot] com