nGen - nextGeneration Job Fair - 3380 Class Project - Team Blind and Brice
Our project proposal is to create a web platform for students to connect to industry professionals in a casual setting. The current landscape has two main issues. One, it is too formal. Being too formal scares away prospecting students in their search. Two, the information is too decentralized. Information is all over place, and thus info is hard to find, overwhelming prospecting students. Our solution to this issue is to create a platform where students and industry professionals can interact and ask questions in a relaxed setting.
- Baboya Choch {Team Leader}
- Ryan Bourdais
- Victoria Surman
- Gerald Anthony
- Brice Truong
- Mark Abrahams
- JavaScript
- BootStrap
- Firebase
- Forum/Feed
- Account Registration
- Account Login
- Posting
- Commenting
A Forum Template developed and created by cokollu and azyrusmax was used as a base for our project.