is a tiny package to read and write fixed width format tables.
# Remember, data types other than character, integer, and double may not
# be properly handled (because meta-information about datatype is lost when
# writing into a text file). See ?data.table::fread for more control.
# over reading behaviour.
exp <- data.frame(
col1 = c("abcdefghijklmn", "abc"),
col2 = c(1e6L, 1L),
col3 = as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2001-01-01"))
tf <- tempfile(pattern = "fwf_file_", fileext = ".txt")
fwf::fwf_write(exp, tf)
obs <- fwf::fwf_read(
path = tf,
fread_arg_list = list(colClasses = c(col3 = "Date"))
all.equal(exp, obs, check.attributes = FALSE),
identical(lapply(exp, class), lapply(obs, class))