Desktop authenticator for generating one-time passwords based on TOTP Protocol.
Compatible mobile version of this app is also available: totpy-mobile-authenticator.
- protection of tokens using a password, and optionally keyfile
- sorting of tokens based on category (work, personal, email, ...)
- search based on token category, issuer or account
- adding tokens by scanning a QR code, opening a JPEG image containing a QR code, pasting OTPAuth URI, or manually entering values for required token parameters
- exporting tokens to a file protected by a password or second authenticator's asymmetric key
- importing tokens from a locked export file
On first startup, the application checks if there is a .totpy directory in the user's HOME directory, containing the database with encrypted TOTP tokens. If the directory does not exist a startup screen is presented where a password needs to be defined, and optionally keyfile selected.
A QR code containing an OTPAuth URI for a token compatible with any 2FA app is presented by clicking on a QR code button on the side of a token panel.
Tokens can be exported to a file for backup or transfer to a second authenticator app.
The generated export file will be compatible with desktop and mobile (totpy-mobile-authenticator repository) version of this authenticator.
To generate a password-protected export:
- select "Export" option in the top menu
- select tokens you wish to export and click on the export button on the bottom of the UI
- select "Protect with password" option in the popup dialog that appears and define a password
File export.json containing tokens encrypted with AES/GCM will be generated in the current directory.
This type of export is useful for backing up tokens given that it does not depend on the private key of a specific authenticator, so tokens can be restored after a fresh installation of this application.
To generate an asymmetric-key protected export:
- select "Export" option in the top menu
- select tokens you wish to export and click on the export button on the bottom of the UI
- select "Protect with public key" option in the popup dialog that appears by pressing a button to scan the public key from a QR code, or a button to load a public key from a file
To view or save the public key of a second authenticator to which you wish to transfer tokens to, select "Show Public Key" dialog in the top menu of that authenticator app.
File export.json containing tokens encrypted with AES/GCM will be generated in the current directory.
This type of export is useful for transfering tokens to a second authenticator app.
- Select "Import" option in the top menu and select the locked export file from which you with to import tokens
- Select "Clear current database" or "Overwrite existing tokens" options to modify import process and press "IMPORT" button.
- "Clear current database" will remove all current tokens before import
- "Overwrite existing tokens" will overwrite any token that has the same Issuer & Account combination
If neither of these options is selected error will be shown if a duplicate token appears to prevent accidental overwrites.