- This article is modified based on https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/85616742
- 采用了Megastore的数据模型,Chubby的数据复制和一致性算法,而在数据的可扩展性上使用了BigTable中的技术
- 既具有NoSQL系统的可扩展性,也具有关系数据库的功能
- Spanner继承了Megastore的设计,数据模型介于RDBMS和NoSQL之间,提供树形、层次化的数据库schema,一方面支持类SQL的查询语言,提供表连接等关系数据库的特性,功能上类似于RDBMS;另一方面整个数据库中的所有记录都存储在 同一个key-value大表中,实现上类似于BigTable,具有NoSQL系统的可扩展性
- 在Spanner中,应用可以在一个数据库里创建多个表,同时需要指定这些表之间的层次关系
- Direcotory: 根节点表中的一条记录,和以其主键作为前缀的其他表中的所有记录的集合
- Advantages:
- 一个Directory中所有记录的主键都具有相同前缀.在存储到底层key-value大表时,会被分配到相邻的位置。如果数据量不是非常大,会位于同一个节点上,这不仅提高了数据访问的局部性,也保证了在一个Directory中发生的事务都是单机的。
- Directory-based shading strategy: 整个数据库被划分为百万个甚至更多个Directory,每个Directory可以定义自己的复制策略。
- Directory提供了高效的表连接运算方式。在一个Directory中,多张表上的记录按主键排序,交错interleaved地存储在一起,因此进行表连接运算时无需排序即可在表间直接进行归并。
- Advantages:
- Atomicity: transactions can never “partly commit”; their updates are applied “all or nothing”
- Consistency: each transaction
transitions the data from one semantically consistent state to another - Independence/Isolation: all updates by
are either entirely visible toT2
, or are not visible at all - Durability: updates made by
are “never” lost onceT
- How spanner guarantees?
- Atomicity: the system guarantees atomicity using logging, shadowing, and two-phase commit (2PC)
- Consistency: the application guarantees consistency by correctly marking transaction boundaries
- Independence/Isolation: guaranteed through two-phase locking (2PL) or optimistic concurrency control (OCC)
- Durability: the system guarantees durability by writing committed updates to stable/recoverable storage (e.g., logging, replication, or both)
- This article is modified based on https://timilearning.com/https://timilearning.com/posts/mit-6.824/lecture-20-blockstack/
在中心化应用程序中,应用程序代码与其存储数据的方式之间存在紧密耦合。 例如,Twitter 应用程序知道如何与 Twitter 的数据库进行交互。 但是在去中心化的应用程序中,我们可以将应用程序代码与用户数据分开。
在这种架构中,我们可以拥有独立于与其交互的应用程序的存储服务。 该服务将基于每个用户而不是每个应用程序存储数据,网络上的每个用户都可以拥有和控制他们的数据。
- General-purpose: similar to the file system on your computer, it must have an API that allows multiple applications to interact with it.
- Cloud-based: so users can access their data from anywhere.
- Fully controllable by a user: it must support mechanisms for securing the data and controlling who can access it.
- Supports sharing between users for apps where one user might read another user's information.
- Better ownership and control over their data and how it's used.
- Better security and data privacy, assuming app owners implement end-to-end encryption.
- Improved ability for users to switch between similar applications, since data storage is independent of the applications.
Blockstack design goal:
- Decentralized Naming & Discovery: End-users should be able to (a) register and use human-readable names and (b) discover network resources mapped to human-readable names without trusting any remote parties.
- Decentralized Storage: End-users should be able to use decentralized storage systems where they can store their data without revealing it to any remote parties.
- Comparable Performance: The end-to-end performance of the new architecture (including name/resource lookups, storage access, etc.) should be comparable to the traditional internet with centralized services.