wemart is a digital shopping mall (multivendor e-commerce platform), that let vendors (entrepreneurs) create there own e-commerce store.
- Private store front domain previlage.
- Vendor Store SEO.
- Real-time and manuel shipping calculations.
- vendor account balance, sales reports and statistics.
- Flexible Products approval system.
- Advanced vendor Payout system
- Vendor debt payout.
- social media platform integration.
- Mail marketing.
- Clone this repository [here] (https://github.com/FemiOluwadamilola/wemart.git).
- Create a new project branch e.g wemart-feature/newFeature.
- Run npm install to install all dependencies
- You can either work with the default mongodb atlas database or use your locally installed MongoDB. Do configure to your choice in the application entry file.
- Run npm start:dev to start the application.
- Connect to the API using port 5000.
HTTP Verbs | Endpoints | Action |
POST | /api/vendors/signup | To sign up a new user account |
POST | /api/vendors/login | To login an existing user account |
PUT | /api/vendors/store | To setup vendor store front |
POST | /api/vendors | To upload a new product |
GET | /api/vendors | To get vendor admin dashboard |
GET | /api/vendors/:productId | To retrieve details of a single product |
PATCH | /api/vendors/:productId | To edit the details of a single product |
DELETE | /api/vendors/:productId | To delete a single product |
- NodeJS This is a cross-platform runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine used in running JavaScript codes on the server. It allows for installation and managing of dependencies and communication with databases.
- ExpressJS This is a NodeJS web application framework.
- MongoDB This is a free open source NOSQL document database with scalability and flexibility. Data are stored in flexible JSON-like documents.
- Mongoose ODM This makes it easy to write MongoDB validation by providing a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model to application data.