App for smart recycle waste bottles
The mobile application of FARAZIST is available via the following link:
- Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit)
- Python 3.7
- Required
- TensorFlow Lite
- PySide2
- scipy
- gpiozero
- qrcode
- sqlite3
- escpos
- qtquick
- Raspberry Pi 4 (model B - 4GB RAM)
- Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera V2
- GPIO pins:
Name | Pin # | Pin name |
SDA | 24 | GPIO8 |
SCK | 23 | GPIO11 |
MOSI | 19 | GPIO10 |
MISO | 21 | GPIO9 |
IRQ | None | None |
GND | Any | Any Ground |
RST | 22 | GPIO25 |
3.3V | 1 | 3V3 |
- Commands:
lsmod | grep spi
sudo pip3 install spidev
sudo pip3 install mfrc522
- Download the font
- Extract the downloaded font file in command line (we extract it in the Downloads folder)
- Commands:
cd ~/Downloads/
cp *.otf ~/.fonts/
cp *.ttf ~/.fonts/
fc-cache -v -f
Install the package using:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser
This project is early in development and does not yet have a stable API.