is a Golang client for the FalkorDB database.
Simply do:
$ go get github.com/FalkorDB/falkordb-go
The complete falkordb-go
API is documented on GoDoc.
package main
import (
func main() {
db, _ := falkordb.FalkorDBNew(&falkordb.ConnectionOption{Addr: ""})
graph := db.SelectGraph("social")
graph.Query("CREATE (:Person {name: 'John Doe', age: 33, gender: 'male', status: 'single'})-[:VISITED]->(:VISITED {name: 'Japan'})", nil, nil)
query, err := "MATCH (p:Person)-[v:VISITED]->(c:VISITED) RETURN p.name, p.age, c.name"
if err != nil {
// result is a QueryResult struct containing the query's generated records and statistics.
result, _ := graph.Query(query, nil, nil)
// Pretty-print the full result set as a table.
// Iterate over each individual Record in the result.
fmt.Println("Visited countries by person:")
for result.Next() { // Next returns true until the iterator is depleted.
// Get the current Record.
r := result.Record()
// Entries in the Record can be accessed by index or key.
pName := r.GetByIndex(0)
fmt.Printf("\nName: %s\n", pName)
pAge, _ := r.Get("p.age")
fmt.Printf("\nAge: %d\n", pAge)
// Path matching example.
query = "MATCH p = (:person)-[:visited]->(:country) RETURN p"
result, err := graph.Query(query, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Pathes of persons visiting countries:")
for result.Next() {
r := result.Record()
p, ok := r.GetByIndex(0).(rg.Path)
fmt.Printf("%s %v\n", p, ok)
Running the above produces the output:
| p.name | p.age | c.name |
| John Doe | 33 | Japan |
Query internal execution time 1.623063
Name: John Doe
Age: 33
Queries can be run with a millisecond-level timeout as described in the documentation. To take advantage of this feature, the QueryOptions
struct should be used:
options := NewQueryOptions().SetTimeout(10) // 10-millisecond timeout
res, err := graph.Query("MATCH (src {name: 'John Doe'})-[*]->(dest) RETURN dest", nil, options)
A simple test suite is provided, and can be run with:
$ go test
The tests expect a FalkorDB server to be available at localhost:6379
falkordb-go is distributed under the BSD3 license - see LICENSE