👋 Hi, I’m @FuzzyWaffler
👀 I’m interested in ... Brewing, Plants, Mycelium, and automating life's more tedious tasks. Now, I'm also expanding into Herbal Oil extraction, Espresso machine design, Coffee Roasting, Website Development, and Training through Unity VR.
🌱 I’m currently learning ... How to code with modern tools. I come from an era when LAMP and WAMP were standard practice, and it’s exciting to dive into microservices and new ways to build websites and applications.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... Nonprofit initiatives, especially with my startup, Brews Beyond Borders. We aim to empower communities by helping entrepreneurs establish breweries in regions where beer options are limited. Historically, breweries have strengthened communities, extending the shelf life of products and enhancing social ties, yet financial and knowledge barriers prevent some communities from developing these pillars.
📫 How to reach me ... Contact@BrewsBeyondBorders.org
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: Richard Stallman is one of the most underappreciated creators!
Welcome to Brews Beyond Borders! We are a passionate team dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and communities through brewing. Our mission is to break down barriers and foster inclusivity in the brewing industry. Join us in creating a world where everyone has access to quality beer and the opportunity to thrive.
Our Vision At Brews Beyond Borders, we believe in the transformative power of brewing. By supporting local entrepreneurs and fostering cultural exchange, we aim to:
Promote economic empowerment Encourage sustainable practices Celebrate diversity and inclusion Get Involved Interested in joining our cause? Here's how you can get involved:
Collaborate: Partner with us on nonprofit initiatives. Donate: Support our mission through financial contributions. Spread the Word: Follow us on social media and share our message. Let's Connect! We’re always eager to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. Reach out at Contact@BrewsBeyondBorders.org to start the conversation.
Cheers to a Better World! 🍻 Remember, in the world of brewing, every sip tells a story. Let's write a story of change, one pint at a time.