EasyPay (EasyPaisa) Payment Gateway for WHMCS
Pro available @ https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/5678-easypaisa-pro-redirect-gateway-for-whmcs
EasyPay Module for WHMCS (Web Host Manager Complete Solution) to integrate EasyPaisa online payments.
The gateway enables EasyPaisa Token Payments, Mobile Account Payments & Visa/Master Card Payments for WHMCS.
1- EasyPaisa Merchant Account (https://easypay.easypaisa.com.pk)
2- WHMCS >= 7.x.x - Obviously the best Web Hosting Automation Solution (https://whmcs.com)
1- Download the EasyPay.php and callback/EasyPay.php.
2- Upload the EasyPay.php to WHMCS-Directory/modules/gateways/ (here)
3- Upload the callback/EasyPay.php to WHMCS-Directory/modules/gateways/callback/ (here)
4- Go to : WHMCS Admin Area >> Setup >> Payments >> Payment Gateways .
5- Click 'Manage Existing gateways' tab
6- Fill in EasyPay form with Display Name, Account ID, Secret Hash Key:
Display Name : EasyPay
Account ID : XXXX
Secret Hash Key : XXXXYYYYZZZZ
Test Mode : Yes/No
7- Activate the gateway & Your WHMCS setup is done.
8- Now move to EasyPaisa Merchant portal and set IPN Handler to https://YourWHMCSinstallationDIRECTORY/modules/gateways/callback/EasyPay.php
Now your clients can pay with EasyPay - EasyPaisa.
If you are stuck anywhere or need any help you can raise an issue.
- Fahad Yousaf Mahar - WebIT.pk
- Shahrukh A. Khan - Shaz3e.com
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU LGPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- WHMCS Developer Documentation(https://developers.whmcs.com)