A list for keep track your tasks and manage them in order to organize anything you have to do.
Prioritize your tasks, mark them as done, and save it for future folow-up. When you have all done, or you don't need that tasks anymore, you can easily clear your list and get rid of unecessary entry. Getting lost on your to dos, never more!
This project development is part of Trybe course program.
- CSS;
- Javascript;
- DOM;
- Events;
- Storage;
- Problem solving.
- Web Browser compatible with HTML5, CSS3 and EcmaScript 6.
Use one of these three ways to install the project locally.
- Use
endpoint for clonning via HTTPS (credencials may be needed);
- Use
endpoint for clonning via SSH (it must be need set a SSH Key);
Once you have procedure on the installation process, open the index.html downloaded file on your browser to start use the program.
Don't want to install the project locally? No worries! You can acess the web project by this link:
You can add tasks as they arise on your routine. For doing so, type a task description on the input field and click on button, or simply press
and it will be added on your list.
Miswrote some of your tasks? You can easily remove it.
First of all, select the incorrect task. Now, you must be seeing new buttons on the bottom of list. Click on one, and get rid of this unwanted entry.
Choose the task viewing order on your list. You can do this by setting the most important ones on the top, and the not so immediately after.
Set your desired order with and
Have you complete one of your tasks? Mark it as done! Just double click on it and get free of this job.
Missmark it? Double click again and it get its original state.
Have you noticed a new button here? The
button is used when is desired to clear only done tasks. It can be useful when you have a batch of jobs that were finished.
It's possible to save your list for future consultance, even if you end your session, close the browser, or turn computer off.
Just click and it will be storaged, as is.
The project was staticly tested using StyleLint and ESLint, whose appoints no error on code analyses. These tools enforces code readbility and standart development style such on CSS development (StyleLint) as on Javascript development (ESLint).
The development of this project, as well all documentation, was made by Fábio Vicente(Me).
- Trybe by porpose this project and specify requirements;
- Amazing Github Template which provides a Readme Template for inspiration.