Color Guess is a game where you need to guess, between some given colors, which one is referring to the showed specific code (RGB). Can you get it right?
This project development is part of Trybe course program.
- CSS;
- Javascript;
- DOM;
- Events;
- Local storage.
- Web Browser compatible with HTML5, CSS3 and EcmaScript 6.
Use one of these three ways to install the project locally.
- Use
endpoint for clonning via HTTPS (credencials may be needed);
- Use
endpoint for clonning via SSH (it must be need set a SSH Key);
Once you have procedure on the installation process, open the index.html downloaded file on your browser to start use the program.
Don't want to install the project locally? No worries! You can acess the web project by this link:
On the screen, it is possible to see a code, regarding a color RGB representation, and a sum of six colors. Click on the one that match the specific code, but beware: clicking in a wrong color will make you lose the game.
The score will be calculated based on the numbers of hits in a row. If you choose the right color, it will be added by 3. Otherwise, the score will be seted to 0.
Whatever has been your answer on this turn of game, you can always play again. For doing so, click on the button. The game restart don't erase current score.
It will be storaged for historical reasons. Whenever the currently score overtake the High Score
, it will be replaced with it. It will be availble between diferent sessons, if you close the browser or even if you turn off computer. Compare your current score with the global highest!
The project was staticly tested using ESLint and StyleLint, whose appoints no error on code analyses. These tools enforces code readbility and standart development style such on CSS (StyleLint) as on Javascript coding (ESLint).
You can verify ESLint rules attendance running following command:
npm run lint
You can verify StyleLint rules attendance running following command:
npm run lint:styles
For both analyzis, you must have NPM >= 8.1.0
previously installed, and have been installed project dependencies by running command:
npm install
Obs: you'll probably have no response on your analyzis. It occurs whenever is found no errors on the code styling. Try to make some mess 💩 on formatting and run this command again. Now you must see some errors pointed in your terminal.
The development of this project, as well all documentation, was made by Fábio Vicente(Me).
- Trybe by porpose this project, specify requirements and provide a initial configuration;
- Amazing Github Template which provides a Readme Template for inspiration.