App made with Flutter that connect with Amiibo API and show different figures. This app uses http to connect with API and bloc as state management. Also, this app uses the responsive design principle to show in different devices.
This project is available in Android, iOS, Web and Desktop (Windows and MacOS).
Currently, the project has been implemented with Navigator 2.0 or Route API.
For using deep links with flutter without any packages, review this link
Run deep links in iOS, use the command below:
xcrun simctl openurl booted amiiboapp://{type}/amiibo/{id}
# Using https
xcrun simctl openurl booted "{type}/amiibo/{id}"
Run deep links in Android, use the command below:
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW \ -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE \ -d amiiboapp://{type}/amiibo/{id}
#Using https
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW \ -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE \ -d "{type}/amiibo/{id}" \ <your_package_id>
To execute the unit testing and show the coverage, you must run the test_coverage
file by console.
Before to run the script, you must have installed the lcov
For macOS, via brew
(you must have the home brew already installed).
brew install lcov
For Linux use the command below.
sudo apt -y install lcov
After, you must run the
Before to run the script, you must have installed the lcov
package via chocolatey
(you must have the chocolatey
already installed).
choco install lcov
After, you must run the test_coverage.ps1
. If running the ps1
file you have an error, you must run as administrator
the PowerShell
and type the command below.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
And finally, run the ps1
If you want to execute integration testing in mobile and web, follow this link