Vote for India is an app which will try to match your ideology with the political parties.
Open your terminal
if you do not have one (apt-get for ubuntu, yum for fedora)sudo apt-get install git-core sudo yum install git-core
git clone
Before installing Flask, please try to install virtualenvironment and virtualenvwrapper. Follow this link (
Activate the Virtualenv
Install Flask using Pip like this
pip install -U Flask
Now cd into the cloned directory and also into wsgi dir
Start the app like this
python runserver
This will start the app in the default port number 5000 and will be available at
http://localhost:5000 or
Visit the above address in your web-browser. If everything are fine, the app will be up and running and you should see the homepage of the website.
This application is licenced under GPL V3.0. Developed by Team PuduvaiGLUG and FSFTN-VPM.