Might need to install the vendordeps if you haven't already. Starting a list for future me:
- REV - https://software-metadata.revrobotics.com/REVLib-2023.json
- CTRE - https://maven.ctr-electronics.com/release/com/ctre/phoenixpro/PhoenixProAnd5-frc2023-latest.json
- SDS - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SwerveDriveSpecialties/swerve-lib/master/SdsSwerveLib.json
- PhotonVision - https://maven.photonvision.org/repository/internal/org/photonvision/PhotonLib-json/1.0/PhotonLib-json-1.0.json
- PathPlanner - https://3015rangerrobotics.github.io/pathplannerlib/PathplannerLib.json
(Latest versions can be found here - https://docs.wpilib.org/en/stable/docs/software/vscode-overview/3rd-party-libraries.html)
Use the following commands in VS Code: Manage Vendor Libraries > Install new libraries (online) > paste URL > Build Robot Code
To access limelight : http://photonvision.local:5800/ or
** please make a branch of the code if you wish to push it to the github