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Atix Labs

Mike Nolan edited this page May 22, 2019 · 2 revisions


TODO: Needs a overview of the company, products, location, etc.

Initial Call Notes

Current Situation

Atix Labs seems concerned that by open sourcing their web application that a competitor may use that code to build a competing product. I explained how it would be difficult as given they license it under the AGPL, the competitor would also have to be a FOSS product (given they forked/used their code) and therefore, they could just pull back any changes if they felt worthwhile.

  • Concerned about Intellectual Property rights in Open Source
  • Trademarks of their logos, private information that they've acquired
  • Afraid making their project open source will only help their competitors
  • Planning on releasing first Open Source repo by the end of the month.
    • No repository currently online.


  • Unit Tests are being written
  • CI tool being used already, Jenkins

Project Management

  • Didn't get a chance to ask, team had to leave.


  • A long ways off from thinking about it.

Existing Community

They seem to be doing a good job of publicizing their product by going to conferences and such. This could be a good in for attracting new contributors, we should keep this in mind when prioritizing community building tools.