Under etc/nixos theres the configs managed by nixos itself with a flake that contains:
- Current config
- zen-browser installation
- git/ -> my personal git config
- gleam/ -> installs gleam and erlang_26
- go/ -> installs the latest go version and its lsp
- kubernetes/ -> installs k9s and sets up a skin
- lua/ -> installs the lua language server
- rust/ -> installs cargo and rust-analyzer
- starship/ -> sets up starship as the prompt for the shell shelltools:
- atuin/ -> install atuin
- direnv/ -> sets up direnv (pretty useful for devbox)
- eza/ -> installs and sets up eza
- fzf/ -> installs fzf
- zoxide/ -> installs zoxide
- zsh/ -> installs and sets up zsh