With the XRD reader, data from X-ray diffraction experiment can be read and written into a NeXus file (h5 type file with extension .nxs) according to NXxrd_pan application definition in NeXus. There are a few different methods of measuring XRD: 1. θ:2θ instruments (e.g. Rigaku H3R), and 2. θ:θ instrument (e.g. PANalytical X’Pert Pro). The goal with this reader is to support both of these methods.
NOTE: This reader is still under development. As of now, the reader can only handle files with the extension .xrdml
, obtained with PANalytical X’Pert Pro version 1.5 (method 2 described above). Currently we are wtoking to include more file types and file versions.
It is recommended to use python 3.11 with a dedicated virtual environment for this package. Learn how to manage python versions and virtual environments.
This package is a reader plugin for pynxtools
and thus should be installed together with pynxtools
pip install pynxtools[xrd]
for the latest development version.
Though, in computer science, parser is a process that reads code into smaller parts (called tocken) with relations among tockens in a tree diagram. The process helps compiler to understand the tocken relationship of the source code.
The XRD reader calls a program or class (called parser) that reads the experimenal input file and re-organises the different physical/experiment concepts or properties in a certain structure which is defined by developer.
file_path: Full path of the input file.
**Important method:**
get_slash_separated_xrd_dict() -> dict
This method can be used to check if all the data from the input file have been read or not, it returns the slash separated dict as described.
**Coming Soon!!**
The reader can be run from Jupyter-notebook or Jupyter-lab with the following command:
! dataconverter \
--reader xrd \
--nxdl NXxrd_pan \
$<xrd-file location> \
$<eln-file location> \
--output <output-file location>.nxs
An example file can be found here in GitLab in nomad-remote-tools-hub feel free to vist and try out the reader.
Install the package with its dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools-xrd.git \\
--branch master \\
--recursive pynxtools_xrd
cd pynxtools_xrd
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -e .
python -m pip install -e ".[dev]"
There is also a pre-commit hook available which formats the code and checks the linting before actually commiting. It can be installed with
pre-commit install
from the root of this repository.
In principle, you can reach out to any member of Area B of the FAIRmat consortium, but Rubel Mozumder could be more reasonable for the early response.