The rewrite and combining of Dostya/Qai into a single application.
This is a total rewrite of QAI
This is a total rewrite of Dostya
Just dump the release in a folder and run the "Qai.exe" executable.
To Create a new Database file for testing use Update-Database --project Faforever.Qai.Core
in the Packet Manager Console.
If you are using the .NET Core CLI, run dotnet ef database update --project src/Faforever.Qai.Core
from the Faforever.Qai solution folder.
Once you have a test.db file, move it into the Faforever.Qai project if it is not there already, and make sure to set property Copy to Output Directory
to Copy if newer. You can use Copy Always, but data will be reset between tests.
See this reference for installing the EF Core tools for the .NET Core CLI
In order to invoke a command you just type it in #aeolus in either the client or discord or you can send a private message to the bot.
You prefix all commands with an '!'. For an example in order to invoke the player command you do.
!player coolmcgrrr
See Issue #9 for a full list of commands.