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Better Avatar Bounds

FACS01-01 edited this page Apr 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

Resizes the Bounds of Skinned Mesh Renderers, to a bigger/Looser size, or to their Exact size.

Can solve issues with clothes/meshes disappearing when viewed from certain angles (angles where the mesh's Bound ends up off-screen).

If the Skinned Mesh Renderer has a modified Bound, this tool can restore/calculate its original size, not needing the original FBX or being on T-Pose to do so. (Very proud of this one, a lot of math and iterations went into discovering this by myself).

How to use

  1. Open its window from the menu FACS Utils/Miscellaneous/Better Avatar Bounds.
  2. Put the avatar's root GameObject into the object selector and press Scan!.
  3. Select the Skinned Mesh Renderers you want to edit.
    • Press Exact Bounds to generate the appropiated and smallest Bound for each Skinned Mesh Renderer.
    • Press Loose Bounds to generate a new bigger Bound for all Skinned Mesh Renderers. Use the Loose Multiplier to make it a bit bigger if you want (x1 englobes all meshes already, but is still "tight").

Extra tips and notes

  • You can select Prefabs or unpacked GameObjects, from a Scene or Project folder.
  • The tool skips Skinned Mesh Renderers inside "Armature" (GameObject containing the avatar's skeleton), because normally those shouldn't have the "mesh disappearing" issue, due to not using the avatar's "Hips" as their Root Bone. If you want to edit those too, select another more inner GameObject for the object selector, different to the avatar's root, for example the "Armature" GameObject itself.
  • While running Loose Bounds, the tool groups the selected Skinned Mesh Renderers by their Root Bones, to generate more appropriate Bounds for each group.
  • The tool provides 2 types of visualizations so you can locate the meshes more easily: List View and Hierarchy View.