Features added:
Updated templates to use BIG-IP version by default.
Updated Runtime Init and Automation Toolchain package versions to latest available at release time.
Added template input parameters:
bigIpServiceAccountEmail - to provide a pre-existing IAM Service Account.
bigIpLicenseKey - to provide a license registration key for BYOL deployments.
bigIpHostname - to provide a hostname for Quickstart and Failover solutions.
allowUsageAnalytics - to control whether template usage information is sent to F5.
Templatized Secret Manager secret information (bigIpSecretId ) to reduce customization needed for runtime-init configs.
Bugs fixed:
GitHub Issue #10 : restrictedSrcAddressApp required but missing in failover example yaml files
GitHub Issue #12 : typo in troubleshoot section for failover-example
GitHub Issue #14 : example 3nic byol failover contains wrong gateway for internalIntRoute
General: Ensure cfeS3Bucket is unique.
General: Clarify description for bigIpPeerAddress parameter.
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