Style rules and TYP definitions for making a hiking map from OpenStreetMap data for a Garmin GPS using mkgmap. The cartography is mainly adopted from OpenTopoMap.
This project currently only offers a style, you have to render your maps on your own. If you are interested in pre-rendered maps, let me know it.
Note that the style is under heavy development, so you want to wait if you plan to use the style for productivity. A map preview follows as soon as the style is developed further.
The following steps describe how to get a Garmin map from OSM data using this style definition.
You need to download OSM data somehow. This can be done by several methods, including download servers or direct download from the OSM page.
Build the TYP file from OpenHikingMap.txt
with mkgmap by using (expecting the parent directory as working directory):
mkgmap OpenHikingMap.txt
Then build the map file using mkgmap:
mkgmap -c OpenHikingMap/arguments --style-file=OpenHikingMap OpenHikingMap.typ all/osm/data/*.osm
For large areas you'll need to use a splitter.
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