Remote SDR v4.3 image for Orange PI Zero2
Remote SDR v4.3 image for Orange Pi Zero 2 (1GB minimum) to be installed on a 16 GB micro SD (minimum size).
Version adapted to Adalm-Pluto, RTL-SDR , Hack RF One SDR and SA818.
New features are proposed in the version 4.3 as:
Additional audio input / output to connect an external application – SSTV, WSJT (FT8)…
Control by Omnirig CAT
If you have already installed Remote SDR and you have customized the configurationRX.js or configurationTX.js files, copy them somewhere, to be able to customize this new version.
If you have already installed the version 4.0, you can just download the source code and replace the /var/www/html directory and reboot the processor instead of installing a new image.
Details on
Unzip the .7z file
Install the image on the SD card using Win32 Disk Imager for example.
Fit the card on theOrange Pi and switch it on.
Find using a network analyser the IP address attributed to Raspberry Pi
You access Remote SDR with a web browser at the address http://ip_raspberry_pi . Don't forget to set the flag on Chrome or Edge as explained here:
Since version 4.2 it is also necessary for the receiver audio channel.
If you want to customize the installation, you can connect in SSH
For the Orange Pi: user: root password: remsdr
For the Raspberry Pi: user: pi password: remsdr
You can also connect in Graphics using VNC on port 5901 for the Orange Pi. Default port for the Raspberry Pi. Password remsdr. Use this Graphics access to set your wifi parameters if needed.
In case of any blocking situation, due to a previous installation, go on the Tools page and select the "Reset Local Storage in browser". It will clean the history and restart on a clean configuration.
Note that this release has been shrinked to reduce the size. At first start, it will resize to the max size of the SD card on boot.