This is a plugin that allows your users to get paid for working. UI powered ! To make it works you have to install the mod and you need a economy plugin such as OpenMod.Economy. You can find the link to the mod on the configuration file.
Run openmod install Feli.JobRewards
uiSessionTime: 5 # This will define how much seconds will be the ui still visible after getting the reward
rewards: # This is the money that the player will get
resources: 30
animals: 75
fishing: 100
plants: 50
# Workshop mod id:
resources: "Resources"
animals: "Animals"
fishing: "Fising"
plants: "Plants"
title: "<color=aqua>{SessionType}</color>"
reward: "<color=lightblue>Total Rewards: ${RewardSession.TotalSessionRewards}</color>"
rewardCount: "<color=lightblue>Rewards Count: {RewardSession.SessionRewardsCount}</color>"