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Vincent FRICOU edited this page Dec 14, 2017 · 3 revisions


The installation of EyesOfNetwork notifier unit is quiet easy.

In EyesOfNetwork

On EyesOfNetwork 5.0 release, the notifier is already deployed in v2.0.

You can upgrade it in latest stable version to get latest functionnalities.

In other monitoring system

This will be done in three few steps.

Get release

You will get latest stable release.

With git :

git clone -b 2.1-1

Next, jump to [Create database](#Create database)

With release archive :

curl -O
# or

Next to get archive, you'll extract it

tar xf 2.1-1.tar.gz -C notifier-2.1-1

Create database

In notifier folder, you'll find a folder docs/db/ containing a script to create database and database structure notifier.sql.
In script, all configured variables are set for EyesOfNetwork default environment.
If you've change this on your system, you must modify scripts to adapt them.
On other system, you'll adapt them for your environment.

When you've correctly configured script, you could run it with :


Create notification commands

Before this, you'll create link from your notifier folder :

ln -s /srv/eyesofnetwork/notifier-2.1-1 /srv/eyesofnetwork/notifier

Next step is to configure your monitoring solution to use notifier.
To this, you'll create one nagios ressource according to your notifier location path :

$USER3$ = /srv/eyesofnetwork/notifier

When you've done this, you'll create 2 commands :
eon-host-notifier :


eon-service-notifier :