Hello, I'm Thorne a.k.a. ens0, a thirty-something Renaissance woman with a diverse array of expertise and successes. Primary focuses are coding & writing, with a lot of experience as a tech lead. Always learning, always creating, always building. Dedicated to building a better, more inclusive world for all.
Most active repositories split between this account and @smolfarm, a studio I co-founded with my girlfriend. Primary languages of focus are Solidity, TypeScript, and C#.
Previously, I spent 3 years as a CTO of a Y Combinator company, CrowdMed, that helped patients whose doctors were stumped get answers. I like keeping my hands in the code, even if a savvy leader.
Web apps built in their entirety by me.
- smol3 - web3 portal
- smol quest - game & achievement tracking tool
Here's a sampling of NFT contracts I've written.
- Polymorphic Pride Flag - swappable on-chain SVGs (Etherscan)
- Yo Kitties - Iron Chef Cat Cora pfp project (Etherscan)
- Dastardly Moonducks - utilized merkle proofs (Etherscan)
- Wandering Witches - artistic pfp project (Etherscan)
- Dastardly Ducks - 10k pfp, one of the first ERC721A contracts (Etherscan)
Other projects of mine available on GitHub.
- smol toker - TypeScript NFT generator used for smol farm pfp NFTs