This is a hierarchical configuration loader for node.js, meant to be used in a CLI.
This one is quite small, it handles javascript functions as configuration options, with an alias system to eventually choose which function to use from command line arguments.
- default configuration you hard-code it
- user configuration file
- user ENV
- user command line arguments
The latter overrides the preceding one, etc.
// with yarn
yarn add fconf
// with npm
npm install fconf
The CLI tool :
#! /usr/bin/env node
const fconf = require('fconf');
const configuration = fconf({
filename: 'clitoolname.conf.js',
defaults: {
inputQty: 1,
outputFile: 'out.json',
transformQty: qty => qty * 2
This makes each options to be configurable by configuration file, environment variables and command line arguments.
$ cliToolName
inputQty: 1,
outputFile: 'out.json',
transformQty: [Function: transformQty],
'$0': 'cliToolName'
$ OUTPUT_FILE='data.json' cliToolName --input-qty=3
inputQty: 3,
outputFile: 'data.json',
transformQty: [Function: transformQty],
'$0': 'cliToolName'
Also environment variables have an impact on the result only if a matching key is present in the configuration. This is done to avoid other environment variables 'polluting' the result.
Let's say the user have a file clitoolname.conf.js
now in his/her project directory :
// clitoolname.conf.js
module.exports = {
inputQty: 2,
transformQty: qty => qty * 4
$ cliToolName
inputQty: 2,
outputFile: 'out.json',
transformQty: [Function: transformQty], // this will multiply by 4 now
'$0': 'cliToolName'
The only way the user can provide functions in through the configuration file. We can't provide javascript functions through environment or command line arguments.
To make functions arguments still flexible we made a simple shortcut system. You can hard-code it the CLI:
#! /usr/bin/env node
const fconf = require('fconf');
const configuration = fconf({
filename: 'clitoolname.conf.js',
defaults: {
inputQty: 1,
outputFile: 'out.json',
transformQty: 'double' // it will be replaced by the matching shortcut
shortcuts: {
double: qty => qty * 2,
triple: qty => qty * 3,
quadruple: qty => qty * 4
The user can also use it :
$ cliToolName --transform-qty=triple
inputQty: 1,
outputFile: 'out.json',
transformQty: [Function: transformQty], // this will multiply by 3
'$0': 'cliToolName'
The user can make his own shortcuts in the configuration file :
// clitoolname.conf.js
module.exports = {
inputQty: 2,
transformQty: 'quintuple'
module.exports.shortcuts = {
quintuple: qty => qty * 5
$ cliToolName
inputQty: 2,
outputFile: 'out.json',
transformQty: [Function: transformQty], // this will multiply by 5
'$0': 'cliToolName'
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