flowchart TD
A["New Dementia CPRD Download"] -- All Observations: dementia codelist --> B["n = 3,499,192 records"]
B -- Exlcluding: Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder --> BB["n = 3,359,895 records"]
BB -- date of birth < obsdate < lcd/ deregistration /date of death --> C["n = 3,336,261 records"]
C -- Earliest diagnosis after 1980-01-01 and have a dementia code after registration --> DA["n = 2,865,537 records"]
C -- Earliest diagnosis after 1980-01-01 and have a dementia code after 2000 --> DC["n = 3,254,768 records"]
C -- Earliest diagnosis after 1980-01-01 and have a dementia code after 2004 --> DB["n = 3,115,141 records"]
DA -- Unique patid: Earliest observation --> E["n = 651,863 patients"]
DC -- Unique patid: Earliest observation --> F["n = 635,404 patients"]
DB -- Unique patid: Earliest observation --> G["n = 598,807 patients"]
E -- regend > 2004-01-01 & alive or died > 2004-01-01 --> EE["n = 609,033 patients"]
F -- regend > 2004-01-01 & alive or died > 2004-01-01 --> FF["n = 613,959 patients"]
G -- regend > 2004-01-01 & alive or died > 2004-01-01 --> GG["n = 598,808 patients"]
EE -- Age: 65 or above --> EJ["n = 587,450 patients"]
FF -- Age: 65 or above --> FJ["n = 592,401 patients"]
GG -- Age: 65 or above --> GJ["n = 577,941 patients"]
EJ -- Died --> J("Yes = 290,619
No = 296,831")
EJ -- Gender --> K("Male = 213,215
Female = 374235")
EJ -- On Risperidone after 2004-01-01 --> JJ["n = 51,648 patients"]
JJ -- After diagnosis --> ZA["n = 29,810 patients"]
JJ -- < year prior to diagnosis --> ZB("n = 8,218 patients")
JJ -- > year prior to diagnosis --> ZC("n = 13,620 patients")
ZA -- Died --> XA("Yes = 15,960
No = 13,850 ")
ZA -- Gender --> XB("Male = 11,403
Female = 15,960 ")
FJ -- Died --> R("Yes = 294,389
No = 298,012")
FJ -- Gender --> Q("Male = 215,375
Female = 377,026")
FJ -- On Risperidone after 2004-01-01 --> KK["n = 52,286 patients"]
KK -- After diagnosis --> VA["n = 42,433 patients"]
KK -- < year prior to diagnosis --> VB("n = 4,439 patients")
KK -- > year prior to diagnosis --> VC("n = 5,414 patients")
VA -- Died --> YA("Yes = 23,738
No = 18,695")
VA -- Gender --> YB("Male = 16,610
Female = 25,823")
GJ -- Died --> S("Yes = 285,321
No = 292,620")
GJ -- Gender --> T("Male = 211,048
Female = 366,893")
GJ -- On Risperidone after 2004-01-01 --> LL["n = 51,887 patients"]
LL -- After diagnosis --> AA["n = 42,144 patients"]
LL -- < year prior to diagnosis --> AB("n = 6,988 patients")
LL -- > year prior to diagnosis --> AC("n = 2,755 patients")
AA -- Died --> HA("Yes = 23,568
No = 18,576")
AA -- Gender --> HB("Male = 16,516
Female = 25,628")
Flow chart of the final cohorts
Dementia incident cohort
n 445332
diagnosedbeforeRegistration = 1 (%) 351487 (78.9)
gender = F (%) 282903 (63.5)
died = 1 (%) 223185 (50.1)
death_composite = 1 (%) 325118 (73.0)
ONS_died = 1 (%) 291514 (65.5)
age_diagnosis (mean (SD)) 82.35 (7.02)
age_category (%)
65 - 74 64311 (14.4)
75 - 84 202073 (45.4)
85 - 94 164303 (36.9)
95+ 14645 ( 3.3)
year_of_diagnosis (%)
2004 20451 ( 4.6)
2005 17420 ( 3.9)
2006 19704 ( 4.4)
2007 17414 ( 3.9)
2008 17994 ( 4.0)
2009 19944 ( 4.5)
2010 21457 ( 4.8)
2011 22687 ( 5.1)
2012 25236 ( 5.7)
2013 27306 ( 6.1)
2014 29971 ( 6.7)
2015 29769 ( 6.7)
2016 26703 ( 6.0)
2017 26488 ( 5.9)
2018 25311 ( 5.7)
2019 24734 ( 5.6)
2020 19551 ( 4.4)
2021 20462 ( 4.6)
2022 19017 ( 4.3)
2023 13713 ( 3.1)
gender_decode = M (%) 162429 (36.5)
GP_stroke = 1 (%) 70378 (15.8)
HES_stroke = 1 (%) 56416 (12.7)
HES_stroke = 1 (%) 56416 (12.7)
stroke_composite = 1 (%) 86268 (19.4)
primary_death_stroke = 1 (%) 14705 ( 3.3)
HES_stroke = 1 (%) 56416 (12.7)
HES_stroke = 1 (%) 56416 (12.7)
ethnicity (%)
Black 8388 ( 1.9)
Mixed 1491 ( 0.3)
Other 2606 ( 0.6)
South Asian 8668 ( 1.9)
Unknown 9353 ( 2.1)
White 414826 (93.1)
pre_diagnoses_af = 1 (%) 62304 (14.0)
post_diagnoses_af = 1 (%) 28577 ( 6.4)
af_ever = 1 (%) 92662 (20.8)
pre_diagnoses_angina = 1 (%) 50115 (11.3)
post_diagnoses_angina = 1 (%) 6096 ( 1.4)
angina_ever = 1 (%) 56484 (12.7)
pre_diagnoses_anxiety_disorders = 1 (%) 67688 (15.2)
post_diagnoses_anxiety_disorders = 1 (%) 10556 ( 2.4)
anxiety_disorders_ever = 1 (%) 78961 (17.7)
pre_diagnoses_falls = 1 (%) 112934 (25.4)
post_diagnoses_falls = 1 (%) 125063 (28.1)
falls_ever = 1 (%) 240530 (54.0)
pre_diagnoses_fh_diabetes = 1 (%) 91133 (20.5)
post_diagnoses_fh_diabetes = 1 (%) 5686 ( 1.3)
fh_diabetes_ever = 1 (%) 97025 (21.8)
heartfailure_ever = 1 (%) 53881 (12.1)
pre_diagnoses_lowerlimbfracture = 1 (%) 54605 (12.3)
post_diagnoses_lowerlimbfracture = 1 (%) 32899 ( 7.4)
lowerlimbfracture_ever = 1 (%) 88292 (19.8)
pre_diagnoses_myocardialinfarction = 1 (%) 34853 ( 7.8)
post_diagnoses_myocardialinfarction = 1 (%) 6998 ( 1.6)
myocardialinfarction_ever = 1 (%) 42171 ( 9.5)
pre_diagnoses_qof_diabetes = 1 (%) 60791 (13.7)
post_diagnoses_qof_diabetes = 1 (%) 24661 ( 5.5)
qof_diabetes_ever = 1 (%) 86481 (19.4)
pre_diagnoses_revasc = 1 (%) 24090 ( 5.4)
post_diagnoses_revasc = 1 (%) 1104 ( 0.2)
revasc_ever = 1 (%) 25259 ( 5.7)
pre_diagnoses_stroke = 1 (%) 48354 (10.9)
post_diagnoses_stroke = 1 (%) 20314 ( 4.6)
stroke_ever = 1 (%) 70378 (15.8)
pre_diagnoses_tia = 1 (%) 38225 ( 8.6)
post_diagnoses_tia = 1 (%) 12286 ( 2.8)
tia_ever = 1 (%) 51115 (11.5)
alcohol_cat (%)
Excess 23239 ( 5.2)
Harmful 11657 ( 2.6)
None 41673 ( 9.4)
Unknown 118172 (26.5)
Within limits 250591 (56.3)
smoking_cat (%)
Active smoker 35954 ( 8.1)
Ex-smoker 185210 (41.6)
Non-smoker 142187 (31.9)
Unknown 81981 (18.4)
qrisk2_smoking_cat (%)
0 191562 (43.0)
1 116583 (26.2)
2 34441 ( 7.7)
3 1163 ( 0.3)
4 876 ( 0.2)
Unknown 100707 (22.6)
qrisk2_smoking_cat_uncoded (%)
Ex-smoker 116583 (26.2)
Heavy smoker 876 ( 0.2)
Light smoker 34441 ( 7.7)
Moderate smoker 1163 ( 0.3)
Non-smoker 191562 (43.0)
Unknown 100707 (22.6)
gp_qrisk2_ethnicity (%)
Bangladeshi 716 ( 0.2)
Black African 1358 ( 0.3)
Black Caribbean 5553 ( 1.2)
Chinese 449 ( 0.1)
Indian 4048 ( 0.9)
Other 3587 ( 0.8)
Other Asian 1575 ( 0.4)
Pakistani 1651 ( 0.4)
Unknown 112463 (25.3)
White 313932 (70.5)
hes_qrisk2_ethnicity (%)
Bangladeshi 616 ( 0.1)
Black African 1304 ( 0.3)
Black Caribbean 5520 ( 1.2)
Chinese 514 ( 0.1)
Indian 3784 ( 0.8)
Other 4954 ( 1.1)
Other Asian 1600 ( 0.4)
Pakistani 1516 ( 0.3)
Unknown 32537 ( 7.3)
White 392987 (88.2)
gp_5cat_ethnicity (%)
Black 7622 ( 1.7)
Mixed 1302 ( 0.3)
Other 2023 ( 0.5)
South Asian 8064 ( 1.8)
Unknown 112373 (25.2)
White 313948 (70.5)
hes_5cat_ethnicity (%)
Black 7829 ( 1.8)
Mixed 1031 ( 0.2)
Other 3432 ( 0.8)
South Asian 7516 ( 1.7)
Unknown 32537 ( 7.3)
White 392987 (88.2)
gp_16cat_ethnicity (%)
African 1371 ( 0.3)
Bangladeshi 716 ( 0.2)
Caribbean 5581 ( 1.3)
Chinese 451 ( 0.1)
Indian 4052 ( 0.9)
Other 1590 ( 0.4)
Other Asian 1585 ( 0.4)
Other Black 598 ( 0.1)
Other Mixed 341 ( 0.1)
Other White 9380 ( 2.1)
Pakistani 1652 ( 0.4)
Unknown 112728 (25.3)
White and Asian 165 ( 0.0)
White and Black African 200 ( 0.0)
White and Black Caribbean 612 ( 0.1)
White British 299235 (67.2)
White Irish 5075 ( 1.1)
hes_16cat_ethnicity (%)
African 1304 ( 0.3)
Bangladeshi 616 ( 0.1)
Caribbean 5520 ( 1.2)
Chinese 514 ( 0.1)
Indian 3784 ( 0.8)
Other 2918 ( 0.7)
Other Asian 1600 ( 0.4)
Other Black 1005 ( 0.2)
Other Mixed 1031 ( 0.2)
Pakistani 1516 ( 0.3)
Unknown 32537 ( 7.3)
White British 392987 (88.2)
pre_diagnoses_deep_vein_thrombosis = 1 (%) 20090 ( 4.5)
post_diagnoses_deep_vein_thrombosis = 1 (%) 8514 ( 1.9)
deep_vein_thrombosis_ever = 1 (%) 28825 ( 6.5)
pre_diagnoses_pulmonary_embolism = 1 (%) 10503 ( 2.4)
post_diagnoses_pulmonary_embolism = 1 (%) 4461 ( 1.0)
pulmonary_embolism_ever = 1 (%) 15125 ( 3.4)
VTE = 1 (%) 40338 ( 9.1)
Prescribed_3_months_before_obsdate = 1 (%) 88570 (19.9)
drug_name_3_months_before (%)
amisulpride 3714 ( 4.2)
aripiprazole 1447 ( 1.6)
benperidol 120 ( 0.1)
chlorpromazine 893 ( 1.0)
clozapine 16 ( 0.0)
flupentixol 300 ( 0.3)
fluphenazine 14 ( 0.0)
haloperidol 20194 (22.8)
levomepromazine 16302 (18.4)
lurasidone 2 ( 0.0)
olanzapine 5305 ( 6.0)
paliperidone 1 ( 0.0)
pericyazine 127 ( 0.1)
perphenazine 34 ( 0.0)
pimozide 988 ( 1.1)
prochlorperazine 16259 (18.4)
promazine 4246 ( 4.8)
quetiapine 17203 (19.4)
sulpiride 661 ( 0.7)
thioridazine 11 ( 0.0)
trifluoperazine 639 ( 0.7)
zuclopenthixol 94 ( 0.1)
Prescribed_6_months_before_obsdate = 1 (%) 91977 (20.7)
drug_name_6_months_before (%)
amisulpride 4000 ( 3.9)
aripiprazole 1549 ( 1.5)
benperidol 126 ( 0.1)
chlorpromazine 1095 ( 1.1)
clozapine 20 ( 0.0)
flupentixol 470 ( 0.5)
fluphenazine 21 ( 0.0)
haloperidol 21135 (20.4)
levomepromazine 16407 (15.8)
lurasidone 2 ( 0.0)
olanzapine 6522 ( 6.3)
paliperidone 1 ( 0.0)
pericyazine 149 ( 0.1)
perphenazine 46 ( 0.0)
pimozide 1825 ( 1.8)
prochlorperazine 25309 (24.4)
promazine 4677 ( 4.5)
quetiapine 18618 (18.0)
sulpiride 763 ( 0.7)
thioridazine 23 ( 0.0)
trifluoperazine 803 ( 0.8)
zuclopenthixol 101 ( 0.1)
Prescribed_12_months_before_obsdate = 1 (%) 97193 (21.8)
drug_name_12_months_before (%)
amisulpride 3903 ( 4.0)
aripiprazole 1525 ( 1.6)
benperidol 125 ( 0.1)
chlorpromazine 1033 ( 1.1)
clozapine 18 ( 0.0)
flupentixol 379 ( 0.4)
fluphenazine 17 ( 0.0)
haloperidol 21041 (21.6)
levomepromazine 16428 (16.9)
lurasidone 2 ( 0.0)
olanzapine 5884 ( 6.1)
paliperidone 1 ( 0.0)
pericyazine 145 ( 0.1)
perphenazine 43 ( 0.0)
pimozide 1192 ( 1.2)
prochlorperazine 21088 (21.7)
promazine 4576 ( 4.7)
quetiapine 18208 (18.7)
sulpiride 723 ( 0.7)
thioridazine 16 ( 0.0)
trifluoperazine 748 ( 0.8)
zuclopenthixol 98 ( 0.1)
Prescribed_after_obsdate = 1 (%) 81852 (18.4)
drug_name_after_obsdate (%)
amisulpride 3371 ( 4.1)
aripiprazole 1347 ( 1.6)
benperidol 110 ( 0.1)
chlorpromazine 752 ( 0.9)
clozapine 13 ( 0.0)
flupentixol 249 ( 0.3)
fluphenazine 12 ( 0.0)
haloperidol 18898 (23.1)
levomepromazine 16020 (19.6)
lurasidone 2 ( 0.0)
olanzapine 4776 ( 5.8)
paliperidone 1 ( 0.0)
pericyazine 111 ( 0.1)
perphenazine 28 ( 0.0)
pimozide 907 ( 1.1)
prochlorperazine 14486 (17.7)
promazine 3776 ( 4.6)
quetiapine 15757 (19.3)
sulpiride 590 ( 0.7)
thioridazine 8 ( 0.0)
trifluoperazine 557 ( 0.7)
zuclopenthixol 81 ( 0.1)
deprivation (%)
1 99147 ( 22.3)
2 101004 ( 22.7)
3 88017 ( 19.8)
4 80715 ( 18.2)
5 75596 ( 17.0)
0 1
0 120214 101933
1 33604 189581
0 1
0 359064 15890
1 29852 40526
Black Mixed Other South Asian Unknown White
Black 6025 248 256 108 562 423
Mixed 537 93 123 102 113 334
Other 48 34 528 155 210 1048
South Asian 113 99 491 6331 661 369
Unknown 766 189 583 604 9353 100878
White 340 368 1451 216 21638 289935
strata median lower upper
1 gender_decode=F 3.400411 3.383984 3.419576
2 gender_decode=M 2.956879 2.937714 2.978782
strata median lower upper
1 age_category=65 - 74 5.448323 5.388090 5.505818
2 age_category=75 - 84 3.780972 3.759069 3.802875
3 age_category=85 - 94 2.299795 2.283368 2.316222
4 age_category=95+ 1.237509 1.199179 1.275838
Risperidone incident cohort
n 30709
diagnosedbeforeRegistration = 1 (%) 17400 (56.7)
died = 1 (%) 17767 (57.9)
death_composite = 1 (%) 24267 (79.0)
ONS_died = 1 (%) 21197 (69.0)
age_diagnosis (mean (SD)) 80.46 (7.14)
age_risperidone (mean (SD)) 83.01 (6.88)
deprivation (%)
1 6872 (22.4)
2 7553 (24.6)
3 6191 (20.2)
4 5284 (17.2)
5 4771 (15.6)
gender_decode = M (%) 11896 (38.7)
GP_stroke = 1 (%) 4293 (14.0)
HES_stroke = 1 (%) 3269 (10.6)
stroke_composite = 1 (%) 5259 (17.1)
primary_death_stroke = 1 (%) 811 ( 2.6)
Composite_pre_stroke = 1 (%) 4318 (14.1)
Composite_post_stroke = 1 (%) 1724 ( 5.6)
comorbidity_stroke = 1 (%) 4293 (14.0)
pre_index_date_stroke = 1 (%) 3673 (12.0)
post_index_date_stroke = 1 (%) 1083 ( 3.5)
Stroke_prior_to_risperidone = 1 (%) 4318 (14.1)
Stroke__within_year_after_1st_risperidone_presc = 1 (%) 1115 ( 3.6)
death_in_a_year_after_risperidone = 1 (%) 8855 (28.8)
sex = 1 (%) 11896 (38.7)
ethnicity (%)
Black 513 ( 1.7)
Mixed 110 ( 0.4)
Other 171 ( 0.6)
South Asian 499 ( 1.6)
Unknown 528 ( 1.7)
White 28888 (94.1)
age_category (%)
65 - 74 6660 (21.7)
75 - 84 14849 (48.4)
85+ 9200 (30.0)
year_of_diagnosis (%)
2004 1218 ( 4.0)
2005 1039 ( 3.4)
2006 1099 ( 3.6)
2007 1085 ( 3.5)
2008 1216 ( 4.0)
2009 1566 ( 5.1)
2010 1972 ( 6.4)
2011 2122 ( 6.9)
2012 2311 ( 7.5)
2013 2510 ( 8.2)
2014 2589 ( 8.4)
2015 2322 ( 7.6)
2016 2100 ( 6.8)
2017 2020 ( 6.6)
2018 1736 ( 5.7)
2019 1437 ( 4.7)
2020 1116 ( 3.6)
2021 693 ( 2.3)
2022 445 ( 1.4)
2023 113 ( 0.4)
year_of_prescription (%)
2004 673 ( 2.2)
2005 459 ( 1.5)
2006 584 ( 1.9)
2007 645 ( 2.1)
2008 528 ( 1.7)
2009 638 ( 2.1)
2010 1204 ( 3.9)
2011 1452 ( 4.7)
2012 1679 ( 5.5)
2013 1948 ( 6.3)
2014 2247 ( 7.3)
2015 2496 ( 8.1)
2016 2605 ( 8.5)
2017 2625 ( 8.5)
2018 2428 ( 7.9)
2019 2356 ( 7.7)
2020 2497 ( 8.1)
2021 1628 ( 5.3)
2022 1217 ( 4.0)
2023 800 ( 2.6)
stroke_3_months_prior = 1 (%) 160 ( 0.5)
stroke_6_months_prior = 1 (%) 240 ( 0.8)
stroke_12_months_prior = 1 (%) 379 ( 1.2)
stroke_recency_cat (%)
<= 1 379 (10.3)
> 7 3092 (84.2)
1 - 2 147 ( 4.0)
2 - 3 51 ( 1.4)
3 - 4 4 ( 0.1)
dementia_duration_prior_risperidone (mean (SD)) 2.10 (2.34)
Survival_time (mean (SD)) 1.73 (1.89)
comorbidity_af = 1 (%) 5456 (17.8)
pre_index_date_af = 1 (%) 4882 (15.9)
post_index_date_af = 1 (%) 1818 ( 5.9)
comorbidity_angina = 1 (%) 3693 (12.0)
pre_index_date_angina = 1 (%) 3603 (11.7)
post_index_date_angina = 1 (%) 344 ( 1.1)
comorbidity_anxiety_disorders = 1 (%) 6282 (20.5)
pre_index_date_anxiety_disorders = 1 (%) 6033 (19.6)
post_index_date_anxiety_disorders = 1 (%) 680 ( 2.2)
comorbidity_falls = 1 (%) 17089 (55.6)
pre_index_date_falls = 1 (%) 12321 (40.1)
post_index_date_falls = 1 (%) 8968 (29.2)
comorbidity_fh_diabetes = 1 (%) 6134 (20.0)
pre_index_date_fh_diabetes = 1 (%) 6043 (19.7)
post_index_date_fh_diabetes = 1 (%) 132 ( 0.4)
comorbidity_fh_premature_cvd = 1 (%) 2344 ( 7.6)
pre_index_date_fh_premature_cvd = 1 (%) 2312 ( 7.5)
post_index_date_fh_premature_cvd = 1 (%) 46 ( 0.1)
comorbidity_heartfailure = 1 (%) 2746 ( 8.9)
pre_index_date_heartfailure = 1 (%) 2328 ( 7.6)
post_index_date_heartfailure = 1 (%) 926 ( 3.0)
comorbidity_lowerlimbfracture = 1 (%) 6443 (21.0)
pre_index_date_lowerlimbfracture = 1 (%) 4875 (15.9)
post_index_date_lowerlimbfracture = 1 (%) 1977 ( 6.4)
comorbidity_myocardialinfarction = 1 (%) 2662 ( 8.7)
pre_index_date_myocardialinfarction = 1 (%) 2508 ( 8.2)
post_index_date_myocardialinfarction = 1 (%) 286 ( 0.9)
comorbidity_qof_diabetes = 1 (%) 5584 (18.2)
pre_index_date_qof_diabetes = 1 (%) 5261 (17.1)
post_index_date_qof_diabetes = 1 (%) 2423 ( 7.9)
comorbidity_revasc = 1 (%) 1647 ( 5.4)
pre_index_date_revasc = 1 (%) 1638 ( 5.3)
post_index_date_revasc = 1 (%) 27 ( 0.1)
comorbidity_tia = 1 (%) 3305 (10.8)
pre_index_date_tia = 1 (%) 2838 ( 9.2)
post_index_date_tia = 1 (%) 713 ( 2.3)
comorbidity_deep_vein_thrombosis = 1 (%) 2029 ( 6.6)
pre_index_date_deep_vein_thrombosis = 1 (%) 1566 ( 5.1)
post_index_date_deep_vein_thrombosis = 1 (%) 552 ( 1.8)
comorbidity_haem_cancer = 1 (%) 677 ( 2.2)
pre_index_date_haem_cancer = 1 (%) 585 ( 1.9)
post_index_date_haem_cancer = 1 (%) 187 ( 0.6)
comorbidity_pulmonary_embolism = 1 (%) 1001 ( 3.3)
pre_index_date_pulmonary_embolism = 1 (%) 770 ( 2.5)
post_index_date_pulmonary_embolism = 1 (%) 277 ( 0.9)
comorbidity_solid_cancer = 1 (%) 5252 (17.1)
pre_index_date_solid_cancer = 1 (%) 4800 (15.6)
post_index_date_solid_cancer = 1 (%) 1092 ( 3.6)
VTE = 1 (%) 2797 ( 9.1)
BMI (%)
Normal 11017 (35.9)
Obesity 3946 (12.8)
Overweight 8761 (28.5)
Severely Obese 282 ( 0.9)
Underweight 1321 ( 4.3)
Unknown 5382 (17.5)
totalcholesterol (%)
< 160 mg/dl 6779 (22.1)
> 280 mg/dl 1058 ( 3.4)
199 mg/dl 7637 (24.9)
200 - 239 mg/dl 6552 (21.3)
240 - 279 mg/dl 2870 ( 9.3)
Unknown 5813 (18.9)
testvalue_dbp (mean (SD)) 76.42 (11.78)
testvalue_sbp (mean (SD)) 135.81 (20.27)
testvalue_totalcholesterol (mean (SD)) 4.98 (1.24)
gp_5cat_ethnicity (%)
Black 452 ( 1.5)
Mixed 92 ( 0.3)
Other 147 ( 0.5)
South Asian 458 ( 1.5)
Unknown 7501 (24.4)
White 22059 (71.8)
gp_16cat_ethnicity (%)
African 75 ( 0.2)
Bangladeshi 34 ( 0.1)
Caribbean 328 ( 1.1)
Chinese 21 ( 0.1)
Indian 231 ( 0.8)
Other 128 ( 0.4)
Other Asian 85 ( 0.3)
Other Black 48 ( 0.2)
Other Mixed 21 ( 0.1)
Other White 675 ( 2.2)
Pakistani 103 ( 0.3)
Unknown 7522 (24.5)
White and Asian 16 ( 0.1)
White and Black African 11 ( 0.0)
White and Black Caribbean 42 ( 0.1)
White British 21046 (68.5)
White Irish 323 ( 1.1)
gp_qrisk2_ethnicity (%)
Bangladeshi 34 ( 0.1)
Black African 75 ( 0.2)
Black Caribbean 326 ( 1.1)
Chinese 21 ( 0.1)
Indian 231 ( 0.8)
Other 268 ( 0.9)
Other Asian 84 ( 0.3)
Pakistani 103 ( 0.3)
Unknown 7508 (24.4)
White 22059 (71.8)
alcohol_cat (%)
Excess 1493 ( 4.9)
Harmful 843 ( 2.7)
None 2261 ( 7.4)
Unknown 10823 (35.2)
Within limits 15289 (49.8)
smoking_cat (%)
Active smoker 2118 ( 6.9)
Ex-smoker 11417 (37.2)
Non-smoker 8604 (28.0)
Unknown 8570 (27.9)
qrisk2_smoking_cat (%)
0 11317 (36.9)
1 7512 (24.5)
2 2087 ( 6.8)
3 78 ( 0.3)
4 41 ( 0.1)
Unknown 9674 (31.5)
qrisk2_smoking_cat_uncoded (%)
Ex-smoker 7512 (24.5)
Heavy smoker 41 ( 0.1)
Light smoker 2087 ( 6.8)
Moderate smoker 78 ( 0.3)
Non-smoker 11317 (36.9)
Unknown 9674 (31.5)
drug_name (%)
amisulpride 320 ( 2.0)
aripiprazole 270 ( 1.7)
benperidol 12 ( 0.1)
chlorpromazine 172 ( 1.1)
clozapine 1 ( 0.0)
flupentixol 213 ( 1.3)
fluphenazine 11 ( 0.1)
haloperidol 2600 (16.3)
levomepromazine 1699 (10.7)
olanzapine 1091 ( 6.8)
pericyazine 25 ( 0.2)
perphenazine 7 ( 0.0)
pimozide 163 ( 1.0)
prochlorperazine 6338 (39.8)
promazine 525 ( 3.3)
quetiapine 2154 (13.5)
sulpiride 60 ( 0.4)
thioridazine 105 ( 0.7)
trifluoperazine 153 ( 1.0)
zuclopenthixol 14 ( 0.1)
frailty (%)
Mild 1382 ( 4.5)
Moderate 3496 (11.4)
Severe 5463 (17.8)
Unknown 20368 (66.3)
year_diagnosis_cat (%)
> 2020 1251 ( 4.1)
2004 - 2008 5657 (18.4)
2009 - 2012 7971 (26.0)
2013 - 2016 9521 (31.0)
2017 - 2020 6309 (20.5)
prescribed_other_antipsyc_drug = 1 (%) 15933 (51.9)
pre_indexdate_antipysch_prescr = 1 (%) 10714 (67.2)
post_indexdate_antipysch_prescr = 1 (%) 5088 (31.9)
same_indexdate_antipysch_prescr = 1 (%) 131 ( 0.8)
pre_indexdate_drug_name (%)
amisulpride 200 ( 1.9)
aripiprazole 86 ( 0.8)
benperidol 9 ( 0.1)
chlorpromazine 135 ( 1.3)
clozapine 1 ( 0.0)
flupentixol 199 ( 1.9)
fluphenazine 11 ( 0.1)
haloperidol 1144 (10.7)
levomepromazine 128 ( 1.2)
olanzapine 628 ( 5.9)
pericyazine 20 ( 0.2)
perphenazine 7 ( 0.1)
pimozide 120 ( 1.1)
prochlorperazine 6005 (56.0)
promazine 368 ( 3.4)
quetiapine 1369 (12.8)
sulpiride 44 ( 0.4)
thioridazine 105 ( 1.0)
trifluoperazine 128 ( 1.2)
zuclopenthixol 7 ( 0.1)
same_indexdate_drug_name (%)
amisulpride 2 ( 1.5)
aripiprazole 10 ( 7.6)
chlorpromazine 7 ( 5.3)
flupentixol 2 ( 1.5)
haloperidol 34 (26.0)
levomepromazine 9 ( 6.9)
olanzapine 3 ( 2.3)
pimozide 8 ( 6.1)
prochlorperazine 6 ( 4.6)
promazine 21 (16.0)
quetiapine 23 (17.6)
trifluoperazine 5 ( 3.8)
zuclopenthixol 1 ( 0.8)
post_indexdate_drug_name (%)
amisulpride 118 ( 2.3)
aripiprazole 174 ( 3.4)
benperidol 3 ( 0.1)
chlorpromazine 30 ( 0.6)
flupentixol 12 ( 0.2)
haloperidol 1422 (27.9)
levomepromazine 1562 (30.7)
olanzapine 460 ( 9.0)
pericyazine 5 ( 0.1)
pimozide 35 ( 0.7)
prochlorperazine 327 ( 6.4)
promazine 136 ( 2.7)
quetiapine 762 (15.0)
sulpiride 16 ( 0.3)
trifluoperazine 20 ( 0.4)
zuclopenthixol 6 ( 0.1)
care_home = 1 (%) 12607 (41.1)
care_home_before_indexdate = 1 (%) 4091 (32.5)
care_home_at_indexdate = 1 (%) 131 ( 1.0)
care_home_90_days_after_indexdate = 1 (%) 2762 (21.9)
TimeSinceFirstPrescription (mean (SD)) 0.49 (0.93)
Prescription_ever_cat (%)
>100 556 ( 1.8)
1 5318 (17.3)
10 794 ( 2.6)
11 - 20 5195 (16.9)
2 2720 ( 8.9)
21 - 30 2800 ( 9.1)
3 1977 ( 6.4)
31 - 40 1649 ( 5.4)
4 1621 ( 5.3)
41 - 50 1026 ( 3.3)
5 1330 ( 4.3)
51 - 100 1676 ( 5.5)
6 1138 ( 3.7)
7 1072 ( 3.5)
8 955 ( 3.1)
9 882 ( 2.9)
Prescriptions_after_a_year_cat (%)
>100 301 ( 3.0)
1 714 ( 7.1)
10 291 ( 2.9)
11 - 20 2157 (21.3)
2 622 ( 6.2)
21 - 30 1215 (12.0)
3 534 ( 5.3)
31 - 40 774 ( 7.7)
4 460 ( 4.5)
41 - 50 478 ( 4.7)
5 420 ( 4.2)
51 - 100 729 ( 7.2)
6 385 ( 3.8)
7 382 ( 3.8)
8 333 ( 3.3)
9 317 ( 3.1)
Prescriptions_within_a_year_cat (%)
>100 16 ( 0.1)
1 5540 (18.0)
10 970 ( 3.2)
11 - 20 9592 (31.2)
2 2807 ( 9.1)
21 - 30 860 ( 2.8)
3 2049 ( 6.7)
31 - 40 312 ( 1.0)
4 1693 ( 5.5)
41 - 50 304 ( 1.0)
5 1422 ( 4.6)
51 - 100 522 ( 1.7)
6 1261 ( 4.1)
7 1244 ( 4.1)
8 1096 ( 3.6)
9 1021 ( 3.3)
comorbidity_hypertension (%)
Elevated 3382 (11.0)
Normal 4255 (13.9)
Stage 1 13560 (44.2)
Stage 2 8827 (28.7)
Stage 3 (severe) 196 ( 0.6)
Unknown 489 ( 1.6)
pre_index_date_hypertension = 1 (%) 25205 (83.4)
comorbidity_hearing_loss = 1 (%) 8579 (27.9)
pre_index_date_hearing_loss = 1 (%) 8057 (26.2)
post_index_date_hearing_loss = 1 (%) 1144 ( 3.7)
HES_comorbidity_stroke = 1 (%) 3269 (10.6)
HES_pre_index_date_stroke = 1 (%) 2624 ( 8.5)
HES_post_index_date_stroke = 1 (%) 978 ( 3.2)
hes_5cat_ethnicity (%)
Black 480 ( 1.6)
Mixed 71 ( 0.2)
Other 192 ( 0.6)
South Asian 446 ( 1.5)
Unknown 2210 ( 7.2)
White 27310 (88.9)
hes_16cat_ethnicity (%)
African 78 ( 0.3)
Bangladeshi 31 ( 0.1)
Caribbean 345 ( 1.1)
Chinese 20 ( 0.1)
Indian 205 ( 0.7)
Other 172 ( 0.6)
Other Asian 106 ( 0.3)
Other Black 57 ( 0.2)
Other Mixed 71 ( 0.2)
Pakistani 104 ( 0.3)
Unknown 2210 ( 7.2)
White British 27310 (88.9)
hes_qrisk2_ethnicity (%)
Bangladeshi 31 ( 0.1)
Black African 78 ( 0.3)
Black Caribbean 345 ( 1.1)
Chinese 20 ( 0.1)
Indian 205 ( 0.7)
Other 300 ( 1.0)
Other Asian 106 ( 0.3)
Pakistani 104 ( 0.3)
Unknown 2210 ( 7.2)
White 27310 (88.9)
strata median lower upper
1 gender_decode=F 4.626968 4.569473 4.698152
2 gender_decode=M 4.071184 4.002738 4.153320
strata median lower upper
1 age_category=65 - 74 6.286105 6.151951 6.444901
2 age_category=75 - 84 4.668036 4.605065 4.736482
3 age_category=85+ 3.036277 2.970568 3.101985
Matchit algorithm
Stratified by risperidone
0 1 p test SMD
n 136624 28403
sex = 1 (%) 51553 (37.7) 10804 ( 38.0) 0.339 0.006
risperidone = 1 (%) 0 ( 0.0) 28403 (100.0) <0.001 NaN
age_risperidone (mean (SD)) 83.24 (6.81) 83.14 (6.83) 0.021 0.015
age_risperidone_cat (%) 0.100 0.014
65 - 74 15050 (11.0) 3250 ( 11.4)
75 - 84 61688 (45.2) 12807 ( 45.1)
85+ 59886 (43.8) 12346 ( 43.5)
death_composite = 1 (%) 93401 (68.4) 22269 ( 78.4) <0.001 0.229
ethnicity (%) 0.488 0.014
Black 2519 ( 1.8) 486 ( 1.7)
Mixed 485 ( 0.4) 103 ( 0.4)
Other 761 ( 0.6) 155 ( 0.5)
South Asian 2453 ( 1.8) 476 ( 1.7)
Unknown 2190 ( 1.6) 453 ( 1.6)
White 128216 (93.8) 26730 ( 94.1)
care_home_before_indexdate = 1 (%) 18141 (13.3) 3753 ( 13.2) 0.777 0.002
deprivation (%) 0.736 0.011
1 30503 (22.3) 6381 ( 22.5)
2 33667 (24.6) 6931 ( 24.4)
3 27057 (19.8) 5721 ( 20.1)
4 23891 (17.5) 4906 ( 17.3)
5 21371 (15.6) 4437 ( 15.6)
Unknown 135 ( 0.1) 27 ( 0.1)
stroke_composite_pre_index_date = 1 (%) 18500 (13.5) 3941 ( 13.9) 0.137 0.010
pre_index_date_angina = 1 (%) 15903 (11.6) 3321 ( 11.7) 0.810 0.002
pre_index_date_heartfailure = 1 (%) 10570 ( 7.7) 2194 ( 7.7) 0.955 <0.001
BMI (%) 0.045 0.022
Missing 25163 (18.4) 5456 ( 19.2)
Normal 53097 (38.9) 11013 ( 38.8)
Obesity 14388 (10.5) 2979 ( 10.5)
Overweight 35229 (25.8) 7168 ( 25.2)
Severely Obese 953 ( 0.7) 190 ( 0.7)
Underweight 7794 ( 5.7) 1597 ( 5.6)
Prescribed_other_antipsychotic_Prior = 1 (%) 37008 (27.1) 7377 ( 26.0) <0.001 0.025
period_before_prescription (mean (SD)) 2.75 (2.17) 2.62 (2.41) <0.001 0.055
pre_index_date_myocardialinfarction = 1 (%) 10815 ( 7.9) 2309 ( 8.1) 0.231 0.008
pre_index_date_tia = 1 (%) 12972 ( 9.5) 2643 ( 9.3) 0.327 0.006
pre_index_date_falls = 1 (%) 57162 (41.8) 11780 ( 41.5) 0.260 0.007
pre_index_date_lowerlimbfracture = 1 (%) 22013 (16.1) 4550 ( 16.0) 0.706 0.003
pre_index_date_ihd = 1 (%) 22348 (16.4) 4694 ( 16.5) 0.489 0.005
pre_index_date_pad = 1 (%) 10299 ( 7.5) 2208 ( 7.8) 0.176 0.009
pre_index_date_af = 1 (%) 21775 (15.9) 4560 ( 16.1) 0.631 0.003
pre_index_date_revasc = 1 (%) 7205 ( 5.3) 1513 ( 5.3) 0.726 0.002
pre_index_date_qof_diabetes = 1 (%) 23786 (17.4) 4959 ( 17.5) 0.848 0.001
pre_index_date_anxiety_disorders = 1 (%) 27099 (19.8) 5633 ( 19.8) 0.999 <0.001
pre_index_date_fh_diabetes = 1 (%) 28299 (20.7) 5828 ( 20.5) 0.467 0.005
pre_index_date_fh_premature_cvd = 1 (%) 10993 ( 8.0) 2231 ( 7.9) 0.285 0.007
pre_index_date_pulmonary_embolism = 1 (%) 3608 ( 2.6) 727 ( 2.6) 0.448 0.005
pre_index_date_deep_vein_thrombosis = 1 (%) 7141 ( 5.2) 1470 ( 5.2) 0.735 0.002
pre_index_date_hearing_loss = 1 (%) 36785 (26.9) 7640 ( 26.9) 0.935 0.001
pre_index_date_VTE = 1 (%) 9870 ( 7.2) 2022 ( 7.1) 0.541 0.004
pre_index_date_haem_cancer = 1 (%) 2698 ( 2.0) 542 ( 1.9) 0.477 0.005
pre_index_date_solid_cancer = 1 (%) 21819 (16.0) 4512 ( 15.9) 0.730 0.002
pre_index_date_cvd = 1 (%) 55886 (40.9) 11686 ( 41.1) 0.461 0.005
comorbidity_hypertension (%) <0.001 0.037
Elevated 24078 (17.6) 4960 ( 17.5)
Normal 34906 (25.5) 7187 ( 25.3)
Stage 1 53537 (39.2) 11171 ( 39.3)
Stage 2 22459 (16.4) 4629 ( 16.3)
Stage 3 (severe) 185 ( 0.1) 38 ( 0.1)
Unknown 1459 ( 1.1) 418 ( 1.5)
totalcholesterol (%) 0.095 0.020
(< 160 mg/dl) 37926 (27.8) 7818 ( 27.5)
(> 280 mg/dl) 3263 ( 2.4) 667 ( 2.3)
(199 mg/dl) 34681 (25.4) 7163 ( 25.2)
(200 - 239 mg/dl) 25160 (18.4) 5176 ( 18.2)
(240 - 279 mg/dl) 9427 ( 6.9) 1919 ( 6.8)
Unknown 26167 (19.2) 5660 ( 19.9)
smoking_cat (%) 0.073 0.017
Active smoker 9759 ( 7.1) 2026 ( 7.1)
Ex-smoker 53462 (39.1) 11037 ( 38.9)
Missing 33017 (24.2) 7068 ( 24.9)
Non-smoker 40386 (29.6) 8272 ( 29.1)
alcohol_cat (%) 0.203 0.016
Excess 6994 ( 5.1) 1443 ( 5.1)
Harmful 3733 ( 2.7) 760 ( 2.7)
Missing 43410 (31.8) 9231 ( 32.5)
None 10556 ( 7.7) 2190 ( 7.7)
Within limits 71931 (52.6) 14779 ( 52.0)
One year follow-up results
subgroup outcome Group N_total N_events Person_years_at_risk Incidence_rate_per_1000_PY Adjusted_HR_with_CI NNH NNH_CI_lower NNH_CI_upper ARR
Stroke_adjusted_all.1 Overall Stroke Matched Controls 137622 4479 112575 39.8 (38.6, 41) 1.31 (1.22, 1.4) 88.07 71.09 115.69 0.0114
Stroke_adjusted_all.2 Overall Stroke Risperidone Users 28542 1085 20309 53.4 (50.2, 56.6) 1.31 (1.22, 1.4) 88.07 71.09 115.69 0.0114
stroke.hes_adjusted_all.1 Overall stroke.hes Matched Controls 137622 2410 113374 21.3 (20.4, 22.1) 1.26 (1.14, 1.38) 209.95 148.33 359.17 0.0048
stroke.hes_adjusted_all.2 Overall stroke.hes Risperidone Users 28542 550 20494 26.8 (24.6, 29.1) 1.26 (1.14, 1.38) 209.95 148.33 359.17 0.0048
Stroke_adjusted_no_stroke.1 No stroke history Stroke Matched Controls 119028 2025 98701 20.5 (19.6, 21.4) 1.42 (1.29, 1.57) 124.91 97.82 172.74 0.0080
Stroke_adjusted_no_stroke.2 No stroke history Stroke Risperidone Users 24599 521 17774 29.3 (26.8, 31.8) 1.42 (1.29, 1.57) 124.91 97.82 172.74 0.0080
stroke.hes_adjusted_no_stroke.1 No stroke history stroke.hes Matched Controls 119028 1279 98881 12.9 (12.2, 13.6) 1.26 (1.1, 1.43) 361.65 225.37 914.90 0.0028
stroke.hes_adjusted_no_stroke.2 No stroke history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 24599 286 17826 16 (14.2, 17.9) 1.26 (1.1, 1.43) 361.65 225.37 914.90 0.0028
Stroke_adjusted_with_stroke.1 Stroke history Stroke Matched Controls 18594 2454 13874 176.9 (169.9, 183.9) 1.22 (1.11, 1.34) 34.00 23.47 61.61 0.0294
Stroke_adjusted_with_stroke.2 Stroke history Stroke Risperidone Users 3943 564 2535 222.5 (204.1, 240.8) 1.22 (1.11, 1.34) 34.00 23.47 61.61 0.0294
stroke.hes_adjusted_with_stroke.1 Stroke history stroke.hes Matched Controls 18594 1131 14493 78 (73.5, 82.6) 1.25 (1.1, 1.43) 61.96 38.74 154.62 0.0161
stroke.hes_adjusted_with_stroke.2 Stroke history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 3943 264 2669 98.9 (87, 110.9) 1.25 (1.1, 1.43) 61.96 38.74 154.62 0.0161
Stroke_adjusted_CVD.1 CVD history Stroke Matched Controls 56188 3278 44305 74 (71.5, 76.5) 1.23 (1.13, 1.33) 65.86 48.47 102.72 0.0152
Stroke_adjusted_CVD.2 CVD history Stroke Risperidone Users 11722 748 7901 94.7 (87.9, 101.4) 1.23 (1.13, 1.33) 65.86 48.47 102.72 0.0152
stroke.hes_adjusted_CVD.1 CVD history stroke.hes Matched Controls 56188 1657 44995 36.8 (35.1, 38.6) 1.22 (1.09, 1.36) 133.34 87.11 284.19 0.0075
stroke.hes_adjusted_CVD.2 CVD history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 11722 370 8051 46 (41.3, 50.6) 1.22 (1.09, 1.36) 133.34 87.11 284.19 0.0075
Stroke_adjusted_No_CVD.1 No CVD history Stroke Matched Controls 81434 1201 68270 17.6 (16.6, 18.6) 1.54 (1.36, 1.74) 110.72 86.11 155.02 0.0090
Stroke_adjusted_No_CVD.2 No CVD history Stroke Risperidone Users 16820 337 12407 27.2 (24.3, 30.1) 1.54 (1.36, 1.74) 110.72 86.11 155.02 0.0090
stroke.hes_adjusted_No_CVD.1 No CVD history stroke.hes Matched Controls 81434 753 68380 11 (10.2, 11.8) 1.35 (1.14, 1.59) 321.36 198.98 834.74 0.0031
stroke.hes_adjusted_No_CVD.2 No CVD history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 16820 180 12443 14.5 (12.4, 16.6) 1.35 (1.14, 1.59) 321.36 198.98 834.74 0.0031
Stroke_adjusted_HES_stroke.1 HES Stroke Stroke Matched Controls 137622 4479 112575 39.8 (38.6, 41) 1.31 (1.22, 1.4) 88.07 71.09 115.69 0.0114
Stroke_adjusted_HES_stroke.2 HES Stroke Stroke Risperidone Users 28542 1085 20309 53.4 (50.2, 56.6) 1.31 (1.22, 1.4) 88.07 71.09 115.69 0.0114
stroke.hes_adjusted_HES_stroke.1 HES Stroke stroke.hes Matched Controls 137622 2410 113374 21.3 (20.4, 22.1) 1.26 (1.14, 1.38) 209.95 148.33 359.17 0.0048
stroke.hes_adjusted_HES_stroke.2 HES Stroke stroke.hes Risperidone Users 28542 550 20494 26.8 (24.6, 29.1) 1.26 (1.14, 1.38) 209.95 148.33 359.17 0.0048
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.1 Pre-COVID overall Stroke Matched Controls 125088 4302 103810 41.4 (40.2, 42.7) 1.27 (1.19, 1.36) 94.46 74.42 129.28 0.0106
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.2 Pre-COVID overall Stroke Risperidone Users 26382 1038 19119 54.3 (51, 57.6) 1.27 (1.19, 1.36) 94.46 74.42 129.28 0.0106
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.1 Pre-COVID overall stroke.hes Matched Controls 125088 2380 104557 22.8 (21.8, 23.7) 1.23 (1.12, 1.35) 225.02 152.60 428.29 0.0044
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.2 Pre-COVID overall stroke.hes Risperidone Users 26382 540 19293 28 (25.6, 30.3) 1.23 (1.12, 1.35) 225.02 152.60 428.29 0.0044
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.1 Pre-COVID No stroke history Stroke Matched Controls 108378 1942 91177 21.3 (20.4, 22.2) 1.39 (1.26, 1.54) 131.02 100.42 188.43 0.0076
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.2 Pre-COVID No stroke history Stroke Risperidone Users 22785 498 16756 29.7 (27.1, 32.3) 1.39 (1.26, 1.54) 131.02 100.42 188.43 0.0076
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.1 Pre-COVID No stroke history stroke.hes Matched Controls 108378 1269 91338 13.9 (13.1, 14.7) 1.22 (1.07, 1.39) 408.71 236.72 1494.62 0.0024
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.2 Pre-COVID No stroke history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 22785 280 16804 16.7 (14.7, 18.6) 1.22 (1.07, 1.39) 408.71 236.72 1494.62 0.0024
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.1 Pre-COVID Stroke history Stroke Matched Controls 16710 2360 12633 186.8 (179.3, 194.3) 1.19 (1.08, 1.3) 38.59 25.07 83.85 0.0259
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.2 Pre-COVID Stroke history Stroke Risperidone Users 3597 540 2363 228.5 (209.2, 247.8) 1.19 (1.08, 1.3) 38.59 25.07 83.85 0.0259
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.1 Pre-COVID Stroke history stroke.hes Matched Controls 16710 1111 13219 84 (79.1, 89) 1.24 (1.08, 1.42) 63.78 38.34 189.61 0.0157
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.2 Pre-COVID Stroke history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 3597 260 2489 104.4 (91.7, 117.1) 1.24 (1.08, 1.42) 63.78 38.34 189.61 0.0157
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.1 Pre-COVID No CVD history Stroke Matched Controls 74267 1154 63137 18.3 (17.2, 19.3) 1.51 (1.33, 1.71) 112.21 86.03 161.30 0.0089
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.2 Pre-COVID No CVD history Stroke Risperidone Users 15611 324 11710 27.7 (24.7, 30.7) 1.51 (1.33, 1.71) 112.21 86.03 161.30 0.0089
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.1 Pre-COVID No CVD history stroke.hes Matched Controls 74267 748 63238 11.8 (11, 12.7) 1.3 (1.1, 1.54) 349.02 204.21 1199.89 0.0029
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.2 Pre-COVID No CVD history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 15611 176 11744 15 (12.8, 17.2) 1.3 (1.1, 1.54) 349.02 204.21 1199.89 0.0029
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.1 Pre-COVID CVD history Stroke Matched Controls 50821 3148 40673 77.4 (74.7, 80.1) 1.19 (1.1, 1.29) 74.49 52.16 130.26 0.0134
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.2 Pre-COVID CVD history Stroke Risperidone Users 10771 714 7409 96.4 (89.3, 103.4) 1.19 (1.1, 1.29) 74.49 52.16 130.26 0.0134
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.1 Pre-COVID CVD history stroke.hes Matched Controls 50821 1632 41319 39.5 (37.6, 41.4) 1.19 (1.07, 1.34) 141.26 88.18 354.99 0.0071
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.2 Pre-COVID CVD history stroke.hes Risperidone Users 10771 364 7550 48.2 (43.3, 53.2) 1.19 (1.07, 1.34) 141.26 88.18 354.99 0.0071
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.1 Prescription age 65-74 Stroke Matched Controls 15390 439 13394 32.8 (29.7, 35.8) 1.41 (1.15, 1.72) 66.58 43.98 136.93 0.0150
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.2 Prescription age 65-74 Stroke Risperidone Users 3304 125 2538 49.3 (40.6, 57.9) 1.41 (1.15, 1.72) 66.58 43.98 136.93 0.0150
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.1 Prescription age 65-74 stroke.hes Matched Controls 15390 267 13488 19.8 (17.4, 22.2) 1.3 (1, 1.71) 136.63 75.41 726.22 0.0073
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.2 Prescription age 65-74 stroke.hes Risperidone Users 3304 70 2563 27.3 (20.9, 33.7) 1.3 (1, 1.71) 136.63 75.41 726.22 0.0073
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.1 Prescription age 75-84 Stroke Matched Controls 62093 1974 52194 37.8 (36.2, 39.5) 1.3 (1.17, 1.44) 94.03 68.61 149.40 0.0106
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.2 Prescription age 75-84 Stroke Risperidone Users 12858 479 9424 50.8 (46.3, 55.4) 1.3 (1.17, 1.44) 94.03 68.61 149.40 0.0106
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.1 Prescription age 75-84 stroke.hes Matched Controls 62093 1065 52585 20.3 (19, 21.5) 1.33 (1.16, 1.53) 173.08 114.74 352.06 0.0058
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.2 Prescription age 75-84 stroke.hes Risperidone Users 12858 259 9512 27.2 (23.9, 30.5) 1.33 (1.16, 1.53) 173.08 114.74 352.06 0.0058
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.1 Prescription age 85 years and above Stroke Matched Controls 60139 2066 46987 44 (42.1, 45.9) 1.29 (1.17, 1.43) 89.01 64.52 143.44 0.0112
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.2 Prescription age 85 years and above Stroke Risperidone Users 12380 481 8347 57.6 (52.5, 62.8) 1.29 (1.17, 1.43) 89.01 64.52 143.44 0.0112
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.1 Prescription age 85 years and above stroke.hes Matched Controls 60139 1078 47301 22.8 (21.4, 24.2) 1.16 (1, 1.34) 342.02 168.86 Inf 0.0029
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.2 Prescription age 85 years and above stroke.hes Risperidone Users 12380 221 8420 26.2 (22.8, 29.7) 1.16 (1, 1.34) 342.02 168.86 Inf 0.0029
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.1 Stroke recency less than 1 year Stroke Matched Controls 561 172 354 485.5 (412.9, 558.1) 1.03 (0.8, 1.32) 146.57 14.84 Inf 0.0068
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.2 Stroke recency less than 1 year Stroke Risperidone Users 420 123 228 539.2 (443.9, 634.5) 1.03 (0.8, 1.32) 146.57 14.84 Inf 0.0068
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.1 Stroke recency less than 1 year stroke.hes Matched Controls 561 41 425 96.4 (66.9, 125.9) 2.29 (1.52, 3.46) 12.08 7.92 25.42 0.0828
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.2 Stroke recency less than 1 year stroke.hes Risperidone Users 420 56 262 213.4 (157.5, 269.3) 2.29 (1.52, 3.46) 12.08 7.92 25.42 0.0828
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.1 Stroke recency 1-5 years Stroke Matched Controls 2964 384 2227 172.4 (155.2, 189.7) 1.23 (1.03, 1.47) 30.73 17.54 124.07 0.0325
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.2 Stroke recency 1-5 years Stroke Risperidone Users 1345 192 885 216.9 (186.2, 247.6) 1.23 (1.03, 1.47) 30.73 17.54 124.07 0.0325
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.1 Stroke recency 1-5 years stroke.hes Matched Controls 2964 205 2321 88.3 (76.2, 100.4) 1.07 (0.83, 1.38) 321.48 47.41 Inf 0.0031
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.2 Stroke recency 1-5 years stroke.hes Risperidone Users 1345 88 929 94.7 (74.9, 114.5) 1.07 (0.83, 1.38) 321.48 47.41 Inf 0.0031
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.1 Stroke recency Over 5 years Stroke Matched Controls 3539 297 2713 109.5 (97, 121.9) 1.16 (0.94, 1.44) 76.93 31.23 Inf 0.0130
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.2 Stroke recency Over 5 years Stroke Risperidone Users 1474 127 993 127.9 (105.7, 150.1) 1.16 (0.94, 1.44) 76.93 31.23 Inf 0.0130
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.1 Stroke recency Over 5 years stroke.hes Matched Controls 3539 159 2769 57.4 (48.5, 66.4) 1.17 (0.87, 1.56) 144.73 46.91 Inf 0.0069
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.2 Stroke recency Over 5 years stroke.hes Risperidone Users 1474 67 1016 65.9 (50.1, 81.7) 1.17 (0.87, 1.56) 144.73 46.91 Inf 0.0069
Stroke_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.1 Stroke type Ischaemic Stroke Matched Controls 10839 1613 8069 199.9 (190.1, 209.7) 1.22 (1.1, 1.35) 24.56 17.51 41.10 0.0407
Stroke_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.2 Stroke type Ischaemic Stroke Risperidone Users 2966 496 1896 261.6 (238.6, 284.7) 1.22 (1.1, 1.35) 24.56 17.51 41.10 0.0407
stroke.hes_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.1 Stroke type Ischaemic stroke.hes Matched Controls 10839 674 8519 79.1 (73.1, 85.1) 1.29 (1.11, 1.51) 45.19 29.55 95.92 0.0221
stroke.hes_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.2 Stroke type Ischaemic stroke.hes Risperidone Users 2966 215 2018 106.5 (92.3, 120.8) 1.29 (1.11, 1.51) 45.19 29.55 95.92 0.0221
Stroke_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.1 Stroke type Haemorrhagic Stroke Matched Controls 237 19 174 109 (60, 158) 2.45 (1.34, 4.48) 7.89 5.07 17.72 0.1268
Stroke_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.2 Stroke type Haemorrhagic Stroke Risperidone Users 194 33 124 265.3 (174.8, 355.8) 2.45 (1.34, 4.48) 7.89 5.07 17.72 0.1268
stroke.hes_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.1 Stroke type Haemorrhagic stroke.hes Matched Controls 237 13 178 73.1 (33.4, 112.9) 1.32 (0.52, 3.37) 73.36 15.43 Inf 0.0136
stroke.hes_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.2 Stroke type Haemorrhagic stroke.hes Risperidone Users 194 12 134 89.4 (38.8, 140) 1.32 (0.52, 3.37) 73.36 15.43 Inf 0.0136
12 weeks follow-up results
subgroup Group N_total N_events Person_years_at_risk Incidence_rate_per_1000_PY Adjusted_HR_with_CI NNH NNH_CI_lower NNH_CI_upper ARR
Stroke_adjusted_all.1 Overall Matched Controls 137622 1572 31713 49.6 (47.1, 52) 1.45 (1.3, 1.61) 6537.71 2534.28 Inf 0.0002
Stroke_adjusted_all.2 Overall Risperidone Users 28542 465 6577 70.7 (64.3, 77.1) 1.45 (1.3, 1.61) 6537.71 2534.28 Inf 0.0002
stroke.hes_adjusted_all.1 Overall Matched Controls 137622 751 31714 23.7 (22, 25.4) 1.46 (1.26, 1.71) 60166.55 6022.57 Inf 0.0000
stroke.hes_adjusted_all.2 Overall Risperidone Users 28542 219 6578 33.3 (28.9, 37.7) 1.46 (1.26, 1.71) 60166.55 6022.57 Inf 0.0000
Stroke_adjusted_no_stroke.1 No stroke history Matched Controls 119028 571 27430 20.8 (19.1, 22.5) 1.78 (1.51, 2.1) 64718.03 9989.07 Inf 0.0000
Stroke_adjusted_no_stroke.2 No stroke history Risperidone Users 24599 194 5670 34.2 (29.4, 39) 1.78 (1.51, 2.1) 64718.03 9989.07 Inf 0.0000
stroke.hes_adjusted_no_stroke.1 No stroke history Matched Controls 119028 357 27430 13 (11.7, 14.4) 1.51 (1.21, 1.88) 39637.67 18600.10 Inf 0.0000
stroke.hes_adjusted_no_stroke.2 No stroke history Risperidone Users 24599 102 5670 18 (14.5, 21.5) 1.51 (1.21, 1.88) 39637.67 18600.10 Inf 0.0000
Stroke_adjusted_with_stroke.1 Stroke history Matched Controls 18594 1001 4284 233.7 (219.2, 248.2) 1.28 (1.12, 1.47) 1021.33 377.44 Inf 0.0010
Stroke_adjusted_with_stroke.2 Stroke history Risperidone Users 3943 271 907 298.8 (263.2, 334.4) 1.28 (1.12, 1.47) 1021.33 377.44 Inf 0.0010
stroke.hes_adjusted_with_stroke.1 Stroke history Matched Controls 18594 394 4285 92 (82.9, 101) 1.43 (1.16, 1.77) 3805.14 750.36 Inf 0.0003
stroke.hes_adjusted_with_stroke.2 Stroke history Risperidone Users 3943 117 907 128.9 (105.6, 152.3) 1.43 (1.16, 1.77) 3805.14 750.36 Inf 0.0003
Stroke_adjusted_CVD.1 CVD history Matched Controls 56188 1230 12944 95 (89.7, 100.3) 1.36 (1.21, 1.54) 2708.40 1044.00 Inf 0.0004
Stroke_adjusted_CVD.2 CVD history Risperidone Users 11722 348 2700 128.9 (115.4, 142.4) 1.36 (1.21, 1.54) 2708.40 1044.00 Inf 0.0004
stroke.hes_adjusted_CVD.1 CVD history Matched Controls 56188 544 12946 42 (38.5, 45.6) 1.41 (1.18, 1.69) 25810.57 2481.92 Inf 0.0000
stroke.hes_adjusted_CVD.2 CVD history Risperidone Users 11722 156 2700 57.8 (48.7, 66.8) 1.41 (1.18, 1.69) 25810.57 2481.92 Inf 0.0000
Stroke_adjusted_No_CVD.1 No CVD history Matched Controls 81434 342 18769 18.2 (16.3, 20.2) 1.8 (1.46, 2.22) Inf Inf Inf 0.0000
Stroke_adjusted_No_CVD.2 No CVD history Risperidone Users 16820 117 3877 30.2 (24.7, 35.6) 1.8 (1.46, 2.22) Inf Inf Inf 0.0000
stroke.hes_adjusted_No_CVD.1 No CVD history Matched Controls 81434 207 18769 11 (9.5, 12.5) 1.63 (1.23, 2.16) Inf Inf Inf 0.0000
stroke.hes_adjusted_No_CVD.2 No CVD history Risperidone Users 16820 63 3877 16.2 (12.2, 20.3) 1.63 (1.23, 2.16) Inf Inf Inf 0.0000
Stroke_adjusted_HES_stroke.1 HES Stroke Matched Controls 137622 4479 30206 148.3 (143.9, 152.6) 1.31 (1.22, 1.4) 182.55 140.90 259.15 0.0055
Stroke_adjusted_HES_stroke.2 HES Stroke Risperidone Users 28542 1085 6029 180 (169.2, 190.7) 1.31 (1.22, 1.4) 182.55 140.90 259.15 0.0055
stroke.hes_adjusted_HES_stroke.1 HES Stroke Matched Controls 137622 2410 30289 79.6 (76.4, 82.7) 1.26 (1.14, 1.38) 403.27 278.00 734.02 0.0025
stroke.hes_adjusted_HES_stroke.2 HES Stroke Risperidone Users 28542 550 6053 90.9 (83.3, 98.5) 1.26 (1.14, 1.38) 403.27 278.00 734.02 0.0025
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.1 Pre-COVID overall Matched Controls 125088 4302 27552 156.1 (151.5, 160.8) 1.27 (1.19, 1.36) 182.79 139.23 266.03 0.0055
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.2 Pre-COVID overall Risperidone Users 26382 1038 5607 185.1 (173.9, 196.4) 1.27 (1.19, 1.36) 182.79 139.23 266.03 0.0055
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.1 Pre-COVID overall Matched Controls 125088 2380 27630 86.1 (82.7, 89.6) 1.23 (1.12, 1.35) 424.39 282.44 853.15 0.0024
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.2 Pre-COVID overall Risperidone Users 26382 540 5629 95.9 (87.8, 104) 1.23 (1.12, 1.35) 424.39 282.44 853.15 0.0024
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.1 Pre-COVID No stroke history Matched Controls 108378 1942 23994 80.9 (77.3, 84.5) 1.39 (1.26, 1.54) 300.70 217.73 485.83 0.0033
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.2 Pre-COVID No stroke history Risperidone Users 22785 498 4869 102.3 (93.3, 111.3) 1.39 (1.26, 1.54) 300.70 217.73 485.83 0.0033
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.1 Pre-COVID No stroke history Matched Controls 108378 1269 24006 52.9 (50, 55.8) 1.22 (1.07, 1.39) 880.85 483.11 4985.44 0.0011
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.2 Pre-COVID No stroke history Risperidone Users 22785 280 4875 57.4 (50.7, 64.2) 1.22 (1.07, 1.39) 880.85 483.11 4985.44 0.0011
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.1 Pre-COVID Stroke history Matched Controls 16710 2360 3558 663.3 (636.5, 690.1) 1.19 (1.08, 1.3) 56.30 36.79 119.91 0.0178
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.2 Pre-COVID Stroke history Risperidone Users 3597 540 738 732 (670.3, 793.7) 1.19 (1.08, 1.3) 56.30 36.79 119.91 0.0178
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.1 Pre-COVID Stroke history Matched Controls 16710 1111 3624 306.5 (288.5, 324.6) 1.24 (1.08, 1.42) 103.92 62.76 301.97 0.0096
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.2 Pre-COVID Stroke history Risperidone Users 3597 260 754 344.8 (302.9, 386.7) 1.24 (1.08, 1.42) 103.92 62.76 301.97 0.0096
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.1 Pre-COVID No CVD history Matched Controls 74267 1154 16485 70 (66, 74) 1.51 (1.33, 1.71) 355.85 235.95 723.48 0.0028
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.2 Pre-COVID No CVD history Risperidone Users 15611 324 3357 96.5 (86, 107) 1.51 (1.33, 1.71) 355.85 235.95 723.48 0.0028
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.1 Pre-COVID No CVD history Matched Controls 74267 748 16493 45.4 (42.1, 48.6) 1.3 (1.1, 1.54) 898.09 460.03 18796.49 0.0011
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.2 Pre-COVID No CVD history Risperidone Users 15611 176 3362 52.4 (44.6, 60.1) 1.3 (1.1, 1.54) 898.09 460.03 18796.49 0.0011
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.1 Pre-COVID CVD history Matched Controls 50821 3148 11067 284.4 (274.5, 294.4) 1.19 (1.1, 1.29) 107.20 77.14 175.63 0.0093
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.2 Pre-COVID CVD history Risperidone Users 10771 714 2249 317.5 (294.2, 340.7) 1.19 (1.1, 1.29) 107.20 77.14 175.63 0.0093
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.1 Pre-COVID CVD history Matched Controls 50821 1632 11137 146.5 (139.4, 153.6) 1.19 (1.07, 1.34) 240.03 150.87 586.76 0.0042
stroke.hes_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.2 Pre-COVID CVD history Risperidone Users 10771 364 2268 160.5 (144, 177) 1.19 (1.07, 1.34) 240.03 150.87 586.76 0.0042
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.1 Prescription age 65-74 Matched Controls 15390 439 3431 127.9 (116, 139.9) 1.41 (1.15, 1.72) 199.43 104.93 2006.89 0.0050
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.2 Prescription age 65-74 Risperidone Users 3304 125 714 175 (144.3, 205.6) 1.41 (1.15, 1.72) 199.43 104.93 2006.89 0.0050
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.1 Prescription age 65-74 Matched Controls 15390 267 3441 77.6 (68.3, 86.9) 1.3 (1, 1.71) 988.60 248.79 Inf 0.0010
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.2 Prescription age 65-74 Risperidone Users 3304 70 718 97.6 (74.7, 120.4) 1.3 (1, 1.71) 988.60 248.79 Inf 0.0010
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.1 Prescription age 75-84 Matched Controls 62093 1974 13721 143.9 (137.5, 150.2) 1.3 (1.17, 1.44) 163.90 117.15 272.75 0.0061
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.2 Prescription age 75-84 Risperidone Users 12858 479 2740 174.8 (159.1, 190.5) 1.3 (1.17, 1.44) 163.90 117.15 272.75 0.0061
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.1 Prescription age 75-84 Matched Controls 62093 1065 13762 77.4 (72.7, 82) 1.33 (1.16, 1.53) 258.57 177.45 476.32 0.0039
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.2 Prescription age 75-84 Risperidone Users 12858 259 2752 94.1 (82.7, 105.6) 1.33 (1.16, 1.53) 258.57 177.45 476.32 0.0039
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.1 Prescription age 85 years and above Matched Controls 60139 2066 13054 158.3 (151.4, 165.1) 1.29 (1.17, 1.43) 200.53 134.12 397.20 0.0050
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.2 Prescription age 85 years and above Risperidone Users 12380 481 2575 186.8 (170.1, 203.5) 1.29 (1.17, 1.43) 200.53 134.12 397.20 0.0050
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.1 Prescription age 85 years and above Matched Controls 60139 1078 13087 82.4 (77.5, 87.3) 1.16 (1, 1.34) 696.84 327.47 Inf 0.0014
stroke.hes_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.2 Prescription age 85 years and above Risperidone Users 12380 221 2584 85.5 (74.3, 96.8) 1.16 (1, 1.34) 696.84 327.47 Inf 0.0014
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.1 Stroke recency less than 1 year Matched Controls 561 172 108 1599.4 (1360.4, 1838.5) 1.03 (0.8, 1.32) 31.85 12.44 Inf 0.0314
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.2 Stroke recency less than 1 year Risperidone Users 420 123 79 1554.1 (1279.5, 1828.8) 1.03 (0.8, 1.32) 31.85 12.44 Inf 0.0314
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.1 Stroke recency less than 1 year Matched Controls 561 41 117 349.4 (242.5, 456.4) 2.29 (1.52, 3.46) 18.92 12.24 41.59 0.0529
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.2 Stroke recency less than 1 year Risperidone Users 420 56 84 664.4 (490.4, 838.4) 2.29 (1.52, 3.46) 18.92 12.24 41.59 0.0529
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.1 Stroke recency 1-5 years Matched Controls 2964 384 630 609.2 (548.2, 670.1) 1.23 (1.03, 1.47) 121.64 43.23 Inf 0.0082
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.2 Stroke recency 1-5 years Risperidone Users 1345 192 279 689.4 (591.8, 786.9) 1.23 (1.03, 1.47) 121.64 43.23 Inf 0.0082
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.1 Stroke recency 1-5 years Matched Controls 2964 205 640 320.2 (276.4, 364) 1.07 (0.83, 1.38) 198.16 63.91 Inf 0.0050
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.2 Stroke recency 1-5 years Risperidone Users 1345 88 282 311.9 (246.7, 377.1) 1.07 (0.83, 1.38) 198.16 63.91 Inf 0.0050
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.1 Stroke recency Over 5 years Matched Controls 3539 297 764 388.9 (344.7, 433.1) 1.16 (0.94, 1.44) 107.29 48.47 Inf 0.0093
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.2 Stroke recency Over 5 years Risperidone Users 1474 127 308 413 (341.2, 484.8) 1.16 (0.94, 1.44) 107.29 48.47 Inf 0.0093
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.1 Stroke recency Over 5 years Matched Controls 3539 159 770 206.4 (174.3, 238.5) 1.17 (0.87, 1.56) 267.73 85.93 Inf 0.0037
stroke.hes_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.2 Stroke recency Over 5 years Risperidone Users 1474 67 310 216 (164.3, 267.7) 1.17 (0.87, 1.56) 267.73 85.93 Inf 0.0037
Stroke_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.1 Stroke type Ischaemic Matched Controls 10839 1613 2295 702.8 (668.5, 737.1) 1.22 (1.1, 1.35) 46.65 30.76 96.52 0.0214
Stroke_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.2 Stroke type Ischaemic Risperidone Users 2966 496 603 822 (749.6, 894.3) 1.22 (1.1, 1.35) 46.65 30.76 96.52 0.0214
stroke.hes_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.1 Stroke type Ischaemic Matched Controls 10839 674 2346 287.3 (265.6, 308.9) 1.29 (1.11, 1.51) 94.35 56.53 284.97 0.0106
stroke.hes_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.2 Stroke type Ischaemic Risperidone Users 2966 215 619 347.6 (301.1, 394.1) 1.29 (1.11, 1.51) 94.35 56.53 284.97 0.0106
Stroke_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.1 Stroke type Haemorrhagic Matched Controls 237 19 51 374.2 (205.9, 542.4) 2.45 (1.34, 4.48) 19.79 10.88 108.73 0.0505
Stroke_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.2 Stroke type Haemorrhagic Risperidone Users 194 33 40 832.9 (548.7, 1117) 2.45 (1.34, 4.48) 19.79 10.88 108.73 0.0505
stroke.hes_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.1 Stroke type Haemorrhagic Matched Controls 237 13 51 254.7 (116.3, 393.2) 1.32 (0.52, 3.37) 72.07 26.20 Inf 0.0139
stroke.hes_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.2 Stroke type Haemorrhagic Risperidone Users 194 12 41 295.4 (128.2, 462.5) 1.32 (0.52, 3.37) 72.07 26.20 Inf 0.0139
Discontinuation results
subgroup outcome Group N_total N_events Person_years_at_risk Incidence_rate_per_1000_PY Adjusted_HR_with_CI NNH NNH_CI_lower NNH_CI_upper ARR
Stroke_adjusted_all.1 Overall Stroke Matched Controls 137622 4479 112575 39.8 (38.6, 41) 1.35 (1.26, 1.44) 75.66 62.62 95.56 0.0132
Stroke_adjusted_all.2 Overall Stroke Risperidone Users 28542 1026 18227 56.3 (52.8, 59.7) 1.35 (1.26, 1.44) 75.66 62.62 95.56 0.0132
Stroke_adjusted_no_stroke.1 No stroke history Stroke Matched Controls 119028 2025 98701 20.5 (19.6, 21.4) 1.5 (1.36, 1.66) 104.28 84.33 136.60 0.0096
Stroke_adjusted_no_stroke.2 No stroke history Stroke Risperidone Users 24599 495 15912 31.1 (28.4, 33.8) 1.5 (1.36, 1.66) 104.28 84.33 136.60 0.0096
Stroke_adjusted_with_stroke.1 Stroke history Stroke Matched Controls 18594 2454 13874 176.9 (169.9, 183.9) 1.23 (1.12, 1.35) 32.26 22.61 56.26 0.0310
Stroke_adjusted_with_stroke.2 Stroke history Stroke Risperidone Users 3943 531 2315 229.4 (209.9, 248.9) 1.23 (1.12, 1.35) 32.26 22.61 56.26 0.0310
Stroke_adjusted_No_CVD.1 No CVD history Stroke Matched Controls 81434 1201 68270 17.6 (16.6, 18.6) 1.62 (1.43, 1.84) 94.98 75.92 126.82 0.0105
Stroke_adjusted_No_CVD.2 No CVD history Stroke Risperidone Users 16820 319 11077 28.8 (25.6, 32) 1.62 (1.43, 1.84) 94.98 75.92 126.82 0.0105
Stroke_adjusted_CVD.1 CVD history Stroke Matched Controls 56188 3278 44305 74 (71.5, 76.5) 1.25 (1.16, 1.36) 57.94 43.94 85.05 0.0173
Stroke_adjusted_CVD.2 CVD history Stroke Risperidone Users 11722 707 7149 98.9 (91.6, 106.2) 1.25 (1.16, 1.36) 57.94 43.94 85.05 0.0173
Stroke_adjusted_HES_stroke.1 HES_stroke Stroke Matched Controls 137622 4479 112575 39.8 (38.6, 41) 1.35 (1.26, 1.44) 75.66 62.62 95.56 0.0132
Stroke_adjusted_HES_stroke.2 HES_stroke Stroke Risperidone Users 28542 1026 18227 56.3 (52.8, 59.7) 1.35 (1.26, 1.44) 75.66 62.62 95.56 0.0132
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.1 PreCovidPeriod_all Stroke Matched Controls 125088 4302 103810 41.4 (40.2, 42.7) 1.32 (1.23, 1.41) 79.79 64.82 103.76 0.0125
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_all.2 PreCovidPeriod_all Stroke Risperidone Users 26382 982 17132 57.3 (53.7, 60.9) 1.32 (1.23, 1.41) 79.79 64.82 103.76 0.0125
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.1 PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke Stroke Matched Controls 108378 1942 91177 21.3 (20.4, 22.2) 1.47 (1.32, 1.62) 107.39 85.51 144.30 0.0093
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke.2 PreCovidPeriod_no_stroke Stroke Risperidone Users 22785 474 14983 31.6 (28.8, 34.5) 1.47 (1.32, 1.62) 107.39 85.51 144.30 0.0093
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.1 PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke Stroke Matched Controls 16710 2360 12633 186.8 (179.3, 194.3) 1.2 (1.09, 1.32) 36.01 23.92 72.76 0.0278
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke.2 PreCovidPeriod_with_stroke Stroke Risperidone Users 3597 508 2149 236.4 (215.8, 256.9) 1.2 (1.09, 1.32) 36.01 23.92 72.76 0.0278
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.1 PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd Stroke Matched Controls 74267 1154 63137 18.3 (17.2, 19.3) 1.59 (1.39, 1.8) 96.09 75.86 131.04 0.0104
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd.2 PreCovidPeriod_no_cvd Stroke Risperidone Users 15611 306 10446 29.3 (26, 32.6) 1.59 (1.39, 1.8) 96.09 75.86 131.04 0.0104
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.1 PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd Stroke Matched Controls 50821 3148 40673 77.4 (74.7, 80.1) 1.22 (1.12, 1.33) 63.45 46.37 100.46 0.0158
Stroke_adjusted_PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd.2 PreCovidPeriod_with_cvd Stroke Risperidone Users 10771 676 6687 101.1 (93.5, 108.7) 1.22 (1.12, 1.33) 63.45 46.37 100.46 0.0158
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.1 risperidone_Age_65_74 Stroke Matched Controls 15390 439 13394 32.8 (29.7, 35.8) 1.47 (1.2, 1.81) 56.68 39.16 102.57 0.0176
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_65_74.2 risperidone_Age_65_74 Stroke Risperidone Users 3304 118 2239 52.7 (43.2, 62.2) 1.47 (1.2, 1.81) 56.68 39.16 102.57 0.0176
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.1 risperidone_Age_75_84 Stroke Matched Controls 62093 1974 52194 37.8 (36.2, 39.5) 1.33 (1.2, 1.48) 82.39 62.00 122.77 0.0121
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_75_84.2 risperidone_Age_75_84 Stroke Risperidone Users 12858 452 8453 53.5 (48.5, 58.4) 1.33 (1.2, 1.48) 82.39 62.00 122.77 0.0121
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.1 risperidone_Age_85+ Stroke Matched Controls 60139 2066 46987 44 (42.1, 45.9) 1.34 (1.21, 1.48) 75.43 56.87 112.00 0.0133
Stroke_adjusted_risperidone_Age_85+.2 risperidone_Age_85+ Stroke Risperidone Users 12380 456 7534 60.5 (55, 66.1) 1.34 (1.21, 1.48) 75.43 56.87 112.00 0.0133
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.1 stroke_recency_1_year Stroke Matched Controls 561 172 354 485.5 (412.9, 558.1) 1.07 (0.83, 1.38) 46.55 12.14 Inf 0.0215
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_year.2 stroke_recency_1_year Stroke Risperidone Users 420 121 208 581 (477.4, 684.5) 1.07 (0.83, 1.38) 46.55 12.14 Inf 0.0215
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.1 stroke_recency_1_5_years Stroke Matched Controls 2964 384 2227 172.4 (155.2, 189.7) 1.24 (1.03, 1.49) 29.27 17.03 103.91 0.0342
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_1_5_years.2 stroke_recency_1_5_years Stroke Risperidone Users 1345 179 811 220.8 (188.5, 253.2) 1.24 (1.03, 1.49) 29.27 17.03 103.91 0.0342
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.1 stroke_recency_over_5_years Stroke Matched Controls 3539 297 2713 109.5 (97, 121.9) 1.17 (0.93, 1.46) 76.18 31.09 Inf 0.0131
Stroke_adjusted_stroke_recency_over_5_years.2 stroke_recency_over_5_years Stroke Risperidone Users 1474 118 902 130.9 (107.3, 154.5) 1.17 (0.93, 1.46) 76.18 31.09 Inf 0.0131
Stroke_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.1 ischaemicstroke Stroke Matched Controls 10839 1613 8069 199.9 (190.1, 209.7) 1.22 (1.1, 1.36) 24.90 17.69 42.04 0.0402
Stroke_adjusted_ischaemicstroke.2 ischaemicstroke Stroke Risperidone Users 2966 463 1733 267.2 (242.9, 291.5) 1.22 (1.1, 1.36) 24.90 17.69 42.04 0.0402
Stroke_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.1 haemorrhagicstroke Stroke Matched Controls 237 19 174 109 (60, 158) 2.6 (1.41, 4.8) 7.21 4.76 14.83 0.1387
Stroke_adjusted_haemorrhagicstroke.2 haemorrhagicstroke Stroke Risperidone Users 194 32 114 280.1 (183.1, 377.2) 2.6 (1.41, 4.8) 7.21 4.76 14.83 0.1387