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Foodies API

Final team project, backend, technology stack: Node.js, Express, swagger, jsonwebtoken, joi, jest, supertest, mongoose.

🏃‍♂️ Simple start

  1. npm i at the root
  2. npm run dev at the root
  3. open http://localhost:3600/
  • npm run test at root run tests
  • npm run build at root build your project

💡 Foodies API documentation

/doc swagger API documentation URL

💡 You should create .env at the root with the next environments

  1. PROD_DB_URL = "production_db_url"
  2. DEV_DB_URL = "development_db_url"
  3. TEST_DB_URL = "test_db_url"
  4. PORT = 3000
  5. SECRET_KEY = "Your_secret_for_jwt"
  6. SENDGRID_API_KEY = "your_sendgrid_api_key"
  7. RESET_PASS_FRONT_URL = "front_reset_page_url"
  8. FRONT_URL = "front_url"
  9. API_KEY = "Cloudy_api_key"
  10. API_SECRET = "Cloudy_api_secret"