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#236 [Dashboard] add: DolisirhDashboard class for manage dashboard + …
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nicolas-eoxia committed Jul 6, 2023
1 parent 84364c0 commit 65b9332
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Showing 2 changed files with 345 additions and 40 deletions.
338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions class/dolisirhdashboard.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 EVARISK <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

* \file class/dolisirhdashboard.class.php
* \ingroup dolisirh
* \brief Class file for manage DolisirhDashboard.

* Class for DolisirhDashboard.
class DolisirhDashboard
* @var DoliDB Database handler.
public DoliDB $db;

* Constructor.
* @param DoliDB $db Database handler.
public function __construct(DoliDB $db)
$this->db = $db;

* get color range for key
* @param int $key Key to find in color array.
* @return string
public function getColorRange(int $key): string
$colorArray = ['#f44336', '#e81e63', '#9c27b0', '#673ab7', '#3f51b5', '#2196f3', '#03a9f4', '#00bcd4', '#009688', '#4caf50', '#8bc34a', '#cddc39', '#ffeb3b', '#ffc107', '#ff9800', '#ff5722', '#795548', '#9e9e9e', '#607d8b'];
return $colorArray[$key % count($colorArray)];

* Load dashboard info.
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function load_dashboard(): array
global $langs;

$timeSpendingInfos = self::getTimeSpendingInfos();
$timeSpentReport = self::getTimeSpentReport();
$timeSpentCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject = self::getTimeSpentCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject();
$globalTimeCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject = self::getTimeSpentCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject(1);

$array['timesheet']['widgets'] = [
0 => [
'label' => [$timeSpendingInfos['planned']['label'], $timeSpendingInfos['passed']['label'], $timeSpendingInfos['spent']['label'], $timeSpendingInfos['difference']['label']],
'content' => [$timeSpendingInfos['planned']['content'], $timeSpendingInfos['passed']['content'], $timeSpendingInfos['spent']['content'], $timeSpendingInfos['difference']['content']],
'picto' => 'fas fa-clock',
'widgetName' => $langs->transnoentities('TimeSpent')

$array['timesheet']['graphs'] = [$timeSpentReport, $timeSpentCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject, $globalTimeCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject];

return $array;

* Get all timespent infos.
* @return array Widget datas label/content
* @throws Exception
public function getTimeSpendingInfos(): array
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/dolisirh_function.lib.php';

global $db, $langs, $user;

$userID = GETPOSTISSET('search_userid') ? GETPOST('search_userid', 'int') : $user->id;
$year = GETPOSTISSET('search_year') ? GETPOST('search_year', 'int') : date('Y');
$month = GETPOSTISSET('search_month') ? GETPOST('search_month', 'int') : date('m');

$firstdaytoshow = dol_get_first_day($year, $month);
$lastdayofmonth = strtotime(date('Y-m-t', $firstdaytoshow));

$currentMonth = date('m', dol_now());
$currentYear = date('Y', dol_now());
if ($currentMonth == $month && $currentYear == $year) {
$currentDate = dol_getdate(dol_now());
$lastdaytoshow = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $currentDate['mon'], $currentDate['mday'], $currentDate['year']);
} else {
$lastdaytoshow = $lastdayofmonth;

$daysInMonth = dolisirh_num_between_day($firstdaytoshow, $lastdayofmonth, 1);

$isavailable = [];
for ($idw = 0; $idw < $daysInMonth; $idw++) {
$dayInLoop = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, $idw, 'd');
if (isDayAvailable($dayInLoop, $userID)) {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning'=>1, 'afternoon'=>1];
} else if (date('N', $dayInLoop) >= 6) {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning'=>false, 'afternoon'=>false, 'morning_reason'=>'week_end', 'afternoon_reason'=>'week_end'];
} else {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning'=>false, 'afternoon'=>false, 'morning_reason'=>'public_holiday', 'afternoon_reason'=>'public_holiday'];

$workinghours = new Workinghours($db);
$workingHours = $workinghours->fetchCurrentWorkingHours($userID, 'user');

$timeSpendingInfos = loadTimeSpendingInfosWithinRange($firstdaytoshow, dol_time_plus_duree($lastdaytoshow, 1, 'd'), $workingHours, $isavailable, $userID);

// Planned working time
$planned_working_time = loadPlannedTimeWithinRange($firstdaytoshow, dol_time_plus_duree($lastdayofmonth, 1, 'd'), $workingHours, $isavailable);
$array['planned']['label'] = $langs->trans('Total') . ' - ' . $langs->trans('ExpectedWorkingHoursMonth', dol_print_date(dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, date('d'), $year), '%B %Y'));
$array['planned']['content'] = (($planned_working_time['minutes'] != 0) ? convertSecondToTime($planned_working_time['minutes'] * 60, 'allhourmin') : '00:00');

// Hours passed
$passed_working_time = $timeSpendingInfos['passed'];
$array['passed']['label'] = $langs->trans('Total') . ' - ' . $langs->trans('SpentWorkingHoursMonth', dol_print_date($firstdaytoshow, 'dayreduceformat'), dol_print_date($lastdaytoshow, 'dayreduceformat'));
$array['passed']['content'] = (($passed_working_time['minutes'] != 0) ? convertSecondToTime($passed_working_time['minutes'] * 60, 'allhourmin') : '00:00');

//Working hours
$working_time = $timeSpendingInfos['spent'];
$array['spent']['label'] = $langs->trans('Total') . ' - ' . $langs->trans('ConsumedWorkingHoursMonth', dol_print_date($firstdaytoshow, 'dayreduceformat'), dol_print_date($lastdaytoshow, 'dayreduceformat'));
$array['spent']['content'] = convertSecondToTime($working_time['total'], 'allhourmin');

//Difference between passed and working hours
$difftotaltime = $timeSpendingInfos['difference'] * 60;
$array['difference']['label'] = $langs->trans('Total') . ' - ' . $langs->trans('DiffSpentAndConsumedWorkingHoursMonth', dol_print_date($firstdaytoshow, 'dayreduceformat'), dol_print_date($lastdaytoshow, 'dayreduceformat'));
$array['difference']['content'] = (($difftotaltime != 0) ? convertSecondToTime(abs($difftotaltime), 'allhourmin') : '00:00');

return $array;

* Get timespent report on current year.
* @return array Graph datas (label/color/type/title/data etc..)
* @throws Exception
public function getTimeSpentReport(): array
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/dolisirh_function.lib.php';

global $conf, $db, $langs, $user;

$startmonth = $conf->global->SOCIETE_FISCAL_MONTH_START;

$userID = GETPOSTISSET('search_userid') ? GETPOST('search_userid', 'int') : $user->id;
$year = GETPOSTISSET('search_year') ? GETPOST('search_year', 'int') : date('Y');

// Graph Title parameters
$array['title'] = $langs->transnoentities('TimeSpentReportByFiscalYear');
$array['picto'] = 'clock';

// Graph parameters
$array['width'] = 800;
$array['height'] = 400;
$array['type'] = 'bars';
$array['dataset'] = 2;

$array['labels'] = [
0 => [
'label' => $langs->transnoentities('ExpectedWorkingHours'),
'color' => '#008ECC'
1 => [
'label' => $langs->transnoentities('ConsumedWorkingHours'),
'color' => '#49AF4A'

$workinghours = new Workinghours($db);
$workingHours = $workinghours->fetchCurrentWorkingHours($userID, 'user');

for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
$firstdaytoshow = dol_get_first_day($year, $i);
$lastdayofmonth = strtotime(date('Y-m-t', $firstdaytoshow));

$currentMonth = date('m', dol_now());
$currentYear = date('Y', dol_now());
if ($currentMonth == date('m') && $currentYear == $year) {
$currentDate = dol_getdate(dol_now());
$lastdaytoshow = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $currentDate['mon'], $currentDate['mday'], $currentDate['year']);
} else {
$lastdaytoshow = $lastdayofmonth;

$daysInMonth = dolisirh_num_between_day($firstdaytoshow, $lastdayofmonth, 1);

$isavailable = [];
for ($idw = 0; $idw < $daysInMonth; $idw++) {
$dayInLoop = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, $idw, 'd');
if (isDayAvailable($dayInLoop, $userID)) {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning'=>1, 'afternoon'=>1];
} else if (date('N', $dayInLoop) >= 6) {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning'=>false, 'afternoon'=>false, 'morning_reason'=>'week_end', 'afternoon_reason'=>'week_end'];
} else {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning'=>false, 'afternoon'=>false, 'morning_reason'=>'public_holiday', 'afternoon_reason'=>'public_holiday'];

$planned_working_time = loadPlannedTimeWithinRange($firstdaytoshow, dol_time_plus_duree($lastdayofmonth, 1, 'd'), $workingHours, $isavailable);
$working_time = loadTimeSpentWithinRange($firstdaytoshow, dol_time_plus_duree($lastdaytoshow, 1, 'd'), $isavailable, $userID);

$planned_working_time_data = (($planned_working_time['minutes'] != 0) ? convertSecondToTime($planned_working_time['minutes'] * 60, 'fullhour') : 0);
$working_time_data = convertSecondToTime($working_time['total'], 'fullhour');

$month = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('MonthShort'.sprintf('%02d', $i));
$array_key = $i - $startmonth;
$array_key = $array_key >= 0 ? $array_key : $array_key + 12;
$array['data'][$array_key] = [$month, $planned_working_time_data, $working_time_data];

return $array;

* Get timespent on current month by task and project.
* @param int $showNotConsumedWorkingHours Display not consumed working hours
* @return array Graph datas (label/color/type/title/data etc..)
* @throws Exception
public function getTimeSpentCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject(int $showNotConsumedWorkingHours = 0): array
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/dolisirh_function.lib.php';

global $db, $langs, $user;

$userID = GETPOSTISSET('search_userid') ? GETPOST('search_userid', 'int') : $user->id;
$year = GETPOSTISSET('search_year') ? GETPOST('search_year', 'int') : date('Y');
$month = GETPOSTISSET('search_month') ? GETPOST('search_month', 'int') : date('m');

$datasetOrder = $user->conf->DOLISIRH_TIMESPENT_DATASET_ORDER;

// Graph Title parameters
$array['title'] = $langs->transnoentities(($showNotConsumedWorkingHours > 0 ? 'GlobalTimeCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject' : 'TimeSpentCurrentMonthByTaskAndProject'), dol_print_date(dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, date('d'), $year), '%B %Y'));
$array['picto'] = 'projecttask';

// Graph parameters
$array['width'] = 800;
$array['height'] = 400;
$array['type'] = 'pie';
$array['dataset'] = 2;

$workinghours = new Workinghours($db);
$workingHours = $workinghours->fetchCurrentWorkingHours($userID, 'user');

$firstdaytoshow = dol_get_first_day($year, $month);
$lastdayofmonth = strtotime(date('Y-m-t', $firstdaytoshow));

$currentMonth = date('m', dol_now());
$currentYear = date('Y', dol_now());
if ($currentMonth == $month && $currentYear == $year) {
$currentDate = dol_getdate(dol_now());
$lastdaytoshow = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $currentDate['mon'], $currentDate['mday'], $currentDate['year']);
} else {
$lastdaytoshow = $lastdayofmonth;

$daysInMonth = dolisirh_num_between_day($firstdaytoshow, $lastdayofmonth, 1);

$isavailable = [];
for ($idw = 0; $idw < $daysInMonth; $idw++) {
$dayInLoop = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, $idw, 'd');
if (isDayAvailable($dayInLoop, $userID)) {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning' => 1, 'afternoon' => 1];
} else if (date('N', $dayInLoop) >= 6) {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning' => false, 'afternoon' => false, 'morning_reason' => 'week_end', 'afternoon_reason' => 'week_end'];
} else {
$isavailable[$dayInLoop] = ['morning' => false, 'afternoon' => false, 'morning_reason' => 'public_holiday', 'afternoon_reason' => 'public_holiday'];


$timeSpentOnTasks = loadTimeSpentOnTasksWithinRange($firstdaytoshow, dol_time_plus_duree($lastdaytoshow, 1, 'd'), $isavailable, $userID);
$datas = [];
$totalTimeSpent = 0;

if (is_array($timeSpentOnTasks) && !empty($timeSpentOnTasks)) {
$timeSpentOnTasks = array_values($timeSpentOnTasks);
foreach ($timeSpentOnTasks as $key => $timeSpent) {
$timeSpentDuration = 0;
$datas[$timeSpent['project_ref'] . ' - ' . $timeSpent['project_label']]['labels'][] = ['color' => self::getColorRange($key)];
for ($idw = 0; $idw < $daysInMonth; $idw++) {
$dayInLoop = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, $idw, 'd');
$timeSpentDuration += $timeSpent[dol_print_date($dayInLoop, 'day')] / 3600;
$datas[$timeSpent['project_ref'] . ' - ' . $timeSpent['project_label']]['data'][] = [$timeSpent['task_ref'] . ' - ' . $timeSpent['task_label'], ($datasetOrder == 0 ? 0 : $timeSpentDuration), ($datasetOrder == 0 ? $timeSpentDuration : 0)];
$datas[$timeSpent['project_ref'] . ' - ' . $timeSpent['project_label']]['timespent_duration_task'][] = $timeSpentDuration;

if (is_array($datas) && !empty($datas)) {
$array['data'] = [];
$array['labels'] = [];
$key2 = 0;
foreach ($datas as $key => $data) {
$array['labels'] = array_merge($array['labels'], $data['labels']);
$array['data'] = array_merge($array['data'], $data['data']);
$array['labels'][] = ['color' => self::getColorRange($key2++)];
$array['data'][] = [$key, ($datasetOrder == 0 ? array_sum($data['timespent_duration_task']) : 0), ($datasetOrder == 0 ? 0 : array_sum($data['timespent_duration_task']))];
$totalTimeSpent += array_sum($data['timespent_duration_task']);

if ($showNotConsumedWorkingHours > 0) {
$plannedWorkingTime = loadPlannedTimeWithinRange($firstdaytoshow, dol_time_plus_duree($lastdayofmonth, 1, 'd'), $workingHours, $isavailable);
$plannedWorkingTimeData = (($plannedWorkingTime['minutes'] != 0) ? convertSecondToTime($plannedWorkingTime['minutes'] * 60, 'fullhour') : 0);
$array['labels'][] = ['color' => '#008ECC'];
$array['data'][] = [$langs->transnoentities('NotConsumedWorkingHours'), $plannedWorkingTimeData - $totalTimeSpent, $plannedWorkingTimeData - $totalTimeSpent];

return $array;

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