Go to the project pages https://evanli.github.io/programming-book-3/ to see the books.
Programming Book Series:
- Programming Book : Algorithm | Back end | Database | Front end | Git
- Programming Book 2 : C++ | Go | JavaScript | Node.js
- Programming Book 3 : Python | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | NLP
- Deep Learning Book - 深度学习-中文版-dlbook_cn_v0.5-beta | download(11.44M)
- Deep Learning Book - 深度学习-英文版-精校书签 | download(20.13M)
- Deep Learning Tutorial PPT | download(12.17M)
- Deeplearning深度学习笔记v5.57 - 黄海广 | download(15.34M)
- Large-Scale Deep Learning for Intelligent Computer Systems - JeffDean | download(2.27M)
- TensorFlow 官方文档中文版 - v1.2 | download(6.86M)
- Tensorflow 实战Google深度学习框架 | download(96.70M)
- tensorflow_manual_cn - TensorFlow 指南 中英文 | download(3.87M)
- TensorFlow技术解析与实战-李嘉璇.2017 | download(7.43M)
- 动手学深度学习 - gluon_tutorials_zh | download(6.37M)
- Foundations of Machine Learning by M. Mohri, A. Rostamizadeh, A. Talwalkar | download(6.66M)
- Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow - 中文版 | download(7.60M)
- Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow | download(7.09M)
- MLAPP - Machine Learning-A Probabilistic Perspective - Kevin P. Murphy | download(25.69M)
- PRML-Pattern-Recognition-and-Machine-Learning-2006 | download(10.85M)
- PRML-中文版-模式识别与机器学习-马春鹏 | download(6.39M)
- Python Machine Learning - Python机器学习 | download(4.91M)
- 周志华-机器学习 | download(85.68M)
- 机器学习与数据挖掘方法和应用 | download(17.56M)
- 机器学习个人笔记完整版v5.35 - 黄海广 | download(5.21M)
- 机器学习的数学基础v1.01 - 黄海广 | download(1.17M)
- 统计学习方法-李航 | download(17.56M)
- Natural Language Processing with Python - 用Python进行自然语言处理-中文版 | download(3.97M)
- Natural Language Processing with Python | download(5.18M)
- Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook 2010 | download(1.70M)
- 统计自然语言处理 宗成庆(第二版) | download(20.87M)
- Dive Into Python | download(3.48M)
- Explore Flask - Flask 之旅 | download(2.91M)
- Flask Web开发:基于Python的Web应用开发实战 | download(4.36M)
- Fluent Python | download(5.56M)
- Intermediate Python - Python进阶-zh-v1.3 | download(0.74M)
- Learning Python - Python学习手册(第4版) | download(95.40M)
- Learning Python 5th edition - Python学习手册 英文版 | download(8.65M)
- OAuth2 in Python | download(0.40M)
- Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition | download(4.02M)
- Python Cookbook(第三版中文) | download(3.45M)
- Python for Data Analysis - Wes McKinney | download(4.91M)
- Python GUI Programming Cookbook - Second Edition | download(9.30M)
- Python Web开发:测试驱动方法 | download(5.24M)
- Python Web框架.Flask中文手册 | download(1.05M)
- Python数据分析与挖掘实战 | download(63.04M)
- Python标准库-中文版 | download(0.64M)
- Python编程快速上手 让繁琐工作自动化 | download(6.58M)
- Python网络数据采集 | download(4.46M)
- Redis 中文文档 | download(1.84M)
- The Django Book 2.0中文版 | download(3.48M)
- The Django Book 中文版 | download(2.77M)
- The Little Redis Book中文版 | download(0.61M)
- Violent Python - Python绝技:运用Python成为顶级黑客 - 崔孝晨 | download(42.02M)
- Violent Python - 中文版-草帽小子-DJ | download(1.48M)
- 利用Python进行数据分析 | download(78.42M)
- 只有程序员看的懂面试圣经|如何拿下编程面试 | download(0.79M)
- 微信公众号爬虫 | download(1.59M)
- 用Python 和 Pygame 写游戏 - 从入门到精通 | download(3.71M)