Populate this README file with the following sections.
- Provide a descriptive project name that makes others easily understand what the project is about.
- Include in this section a one-sentence description.
- Include bellow a detailed description of what the project does.
If the software requires 3rd-party dependencies make a list of it.
May be useful to include external links to the code and help info.
Provide descriptions of how to make this project work.
Including command line instructions to compile, run the code and access to usage information.
Some simple lines could be of great helpful:
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
$ ./my_exe --help
Consider to break this section down for widespread descriptions by including new sections #
or subsections ##
List the name of all contributors and keep it updated.
Links to personal Github site could be a plus.
- Franz Kafka.
- J. W. von Goethe.
- Phtolomeus.
Include a list of related publications if needed.
Otherwise remove this section.
If the project requires versioning, it may be convenient to summarize changes after every release.
Copyright 2018 Eurecat