CRM system for managing apartment complexes. Functionality includes:
- Creating & editing buildings, apartments, their owners etc.
- Creating invoices and documentation related to the apartments based on their personal financial accounts
- Exporting all info to Excel/PDF files
- Requesting a master dispatch to your apartment for repair/custom services with customizable tariffs
- Wiring payments to every financial account and to the general fund of the apartment complex
Comes attached with a personal cabinet model and a main website showcasing the information about the system, provided services and other relevant information, together with contact info. Content of the pages on the main website is also customizable in the CRM system admin panel.
- FrontEnd ........... HTML / CSS / BootStrap / JavaScript / JQuery
- BackEnd ............ Java / Spring / Spring Boot / Hibernate
- DB ...................... MySQL
- Deployment on Tomcat / Docker / AWS
- i18n enabled (RU/UA)
- dark and light themes
- usage of WebSocket protocols on admin panel pages