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EugRomanchenko Infra repository

Homework-4 (cloud-bastion)

Connecting to someinternalhost from local machine using one command

ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p $bastion_external_ip" $someinternalhost_ip or if PortForwarding enabled in ssh config on server ssh -J $bastion_external_ip:22 $someinternalhost_ip

For connecting to someinternalhost using command ssh someinternalhost

  • Create file ~.ssh/config
  • Add following lines into this file
Host bastion
Hostname $bastion_external_ip
User $username

Host someinternalhost
Hostname $someinternalhost_ip
User $username
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion
  • Connect to someinternalhost using command ssh someinternalhost

Connecting to someinternalhost over VPN

bastion_IP= someinternalhost_IP=

Homework-5 (cloud-testapp)

Command for running instance and deploy small application

gcloud compute instances create reddit-app\
  --boot-disk-size=10GB \
  --image-family ubuntu-1604-lts \
  --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
  --machine-type=g1-small \
  --tags puma-server \
  --restart-on-failure \

or if you would like to upload and run startup script from url (in case when startup script lengh exceeds limit into 256KB)

gcloud compute instances create reddit-app\
  --boot-disk-size=10GB \
  --image-family ubuntu-1604-lts \
  --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
  --machine-type=g1-small \
  --tags puma-server \
  --restart-on-failure \
  --metadata startup-script-url=

Create firewall rule to access our application from Internet (http)

gcloud compute --project=infra-197918 firewall-rules create default-puma-server\
  --direction=INGRESS \
  --priority=1000 \
  --network=default \
  --action=ALLOW \
  --rules=tcp:9292 \
  --source-ranges= \

Informations for access to our application from Internet

testapp_IP= testapp_port=9292

Homework-7 (terraform-1)

For create simple infrastructure into GCP

git clone -b terraform-1
  • Move into folder terraform
  • Create file terraform.tfvars based on our GCP value from terraform.tfvars.example"
  • Execute two command
terraform plan
terraform apply
  • After this you will see output variable app_external_ip
  • Open our web browser and enter $app_external_ip:9292 into address prompt

Homework-7 with *

We add multiply ssh-keys into GCP project metadata through Terraform When you modify GCP project metadata with Terraform, your existing ssh-keys will remove because Terraform don't known about them.

Homework-7 with **

git clone -b terraform-1
  • Move into folder terraform
  • Create file terraform.tfvars based on our GCP value from terraform.tfvars.example"
  • Execute two command
terraform plan
terraform apply
  • After this you will see third output variables. One of thih is lb_external_ip
  • Open our web browser and enter $lb_external_ip:9292 into address prompt
  • Connect to one of two application instance (output variable app_external_ip)
  • Execute command
sudo systemctl stop puma.service
  • Try again open our web browser and enter $lb_external_ip:9292 into address prompt

Homework-8 (terraform-2)

  • Clone this Git repo
git clone -b terraform-2
  • Move into folder packer
packer build -var-file=variables.json app.json
packer build -var-file=variables.json db.json
cd ../terraform
  • Create file terraform.tfvars based on our GCP value and planning GCS bucket name from terraform.tfvars.example"
  • Initialize remote Terraform module storage-bucket
terraform init
  • Create Google Cloud Sotrage for store terraform.tfstate file
terraform plan && terraform apply
  • Move into one of two folder prod or stage
  • Change the value of the variable bucket to the value you entered in the previous step in file
  • Define our external ip address. For example:
  • Create file terraform.tfvars based on our GCP value and received at the previous stage by an external ip address
  • Initialize local module app, vpc and db
terraform init && terraform get
  • Create test infrasructure
terraform plan && terraform apply

Homework-9 (ansible-1)

Base homework

  • Create simple Ansible structure and playbook for clone remote Git repo
  • Running simple playbook
ansible app clone.yml
  • Make shure that nothing was change
  • Running command
ansible app -m command -a "rm -rf ~/reddit"
  • After that
ansible app clone.yml
  • You can see that the change were made
  • We tested this property ansible as the immmutable

homework with *

For use inventory.json

ansible -i all -m ping

Homework-10 (ansible-2)

Base homework

  • We will working into multiple Ansible techniques:

    • One playbook - one play
    • One playbook - multiply play
    • Multiple playbook
  • Write Ansible Playbook for using on Packer provisioning

  • Recreate Golden Image using updated Packer Template

  • Recreate Stage environment using Terraform

  • Run Ansible Playbook site.yml for deploing our application

homework with *

  • Creaate additional Service Account into GCP with role view GCE
  • Configure Dynamic inventory in Ansible based on


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