Supports coverting mkv | ts | mp4 into an mp4 with the MOOV atom at the start of the file, also known as fast start or web optimized
.\mp4-remux-win.exe <filepath>
This program utilizes the FFmpeg C api with CGO to remux the video files
only supports building on linux right now
when in repository directory:
go run build/*
go run build/* --arch arm64
go run build/* --os windows
go run build/* --os windows --arch arm64
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd):/mnt/ -w /mnt/ \
-t debian:sid bash -c '
apt update
apt install build-essential make nasm yasm zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev golang gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu tar ca-certificates -y
go run build/* mingw
go run build/*
go run build/* --arch arm64
go run build/* --os windows
go run build/* --os windows --arch arm64'