Basically, project for ecommerce backend
- Authentication and Authorization:
- Ability to register as an admin,delivery agent and as a customer
- Email verification and email subscription to newsletters
- Ability to login and log out
- Remember me functionality
- reCAPTCHA implementation
- Reset password implementation
- Dark theme implementation for the UI
- Use database seeds to create first user with email and password “password”
- CRUD functionality (Create / Read / Update / Delete) for the various products,customers,orders
Basically, that’s it. This project shows the skills in basic django things:
- Authuthentication and Authorization
- CRUD and Resource Controllers
- Eloquent and Relationships
- Database migrations and seeds
- Form Validation and Requests
- File management
- Basic Bootstrap front-end
- Pagination
- Ecommerce
- Clone the repository to a specified directory in your local machine.
- Make sure python is installed in your local machine.
- Use any of your favourite ide to view the code or make modifications to it.
- Create a python environment wiith conda create --name myenv python=3.6
- Install the requirements.txt with python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a django project with django-admin startproject crm
- Chabnge the directory to crm then run django-admin startapp api
- Confirm everything is okay with python runserver
- Run migrations with python makemigrations api then python makemigrations api then python migrate
The project is hosted on this link <> .
This repository is owned by . To contribute to this project raise an issue .