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Authentication provider

For details on how to Define a Custom Hello World Authentication Provider using JavaScript.

 Usage: authprovider [options] <list|create|delete|export|import|linkProjec|insertJSCode>

  Administer authentication providers for a TeamSpace.


    -h, --help                    output usage information
    --ident [ident]               The ident of the auth provider
    --auth_name [name]            Name of auth provider
    --createFunction [bootstrap]  Name for Create Function
    --paramMap [map]              Map of auth provider settings (comma separated list of required config values)
    --comments [comment]          Comment on auth provider
    --linkProject                 Link this auth provider to the current project or project specified
    --file [fileName]       	  [optional] Name of file to import/export auth provider (stdin/stdout used if not provided)

Authentication Provider list

List of commands allows you to list your CA Live API Creator authentication providers. Please see our [docs] ( for details on how to create and install a custom authentication provider (e.g. Active Directory, LDAP, SQL, LDAP, AD, etc.). All communication with the Espresso Logic server is done by API calls using JSON/REST.
The authentication provider is the way to talk to an Espresso Logic server.
User Authentication results in a new API key, which is passed on all subsequent requests, and associates a set of security roles that define what the API key is authorized to do.

    $lacadmin authprovider list

The list command shows all authentication providers for the current TeamSpace.


All authentication providers
Ident  Name                     createFunction  ParamMap            Comments
-----  -----------------------  --------------  ------------------  --------
1000   Built-in authentication  null            datasource=AdminDB          

# authentication providers: 1

The list command is currently the only one available from the command line for authentication providers.

adding the --verbose flag

Includes sample scripts which can be used by devops developers.

lacadmin authprovider export --auth_name 'AuthProviderFromDB' --file AUHTPROVIDER_AuthProviderFromDB.json --comments 'Uses Get Employees for REST Validation '
lacadmin authprovider export --auth_name 'JSAUth' --file AUHTPROVIDER_JSAUth.json --comments 'test'
lacadmin authprovider export --auth_name 'SimpleLDAP' --file AUHTPROVIDER_SimpleLDAP.json

##Create Create needs a name, comment, the create function name and a list of parameters in JSON format

    $lacadmin authprovider create --createFunction myAuthProviderCreate --paramMap 'foo=1,bar=2' --comments 'some comment' --auth_name <name>

##insertJSCode Once you have created a JavaScript auth provider (create) - use this to import the JavaScript code

    $lacadmin authprovider insertJSCode --file myAUthProviderCdoe.js [--auth_name <name>  | --ident <ident>]  [--project_ident <ident>] 

##Delete Simply provide the ident of the auth provider you wish to delete.

    $lacadmin authprovider delete --ident <ident>

##Export Provide the ident or name of the auth provider and the export file name.

    $lacadmin authprovider export  [--ident <ident> | --auht_name <name>] --file myauthprovider.json

The export auth provider exports the specified provider into a JSON file. If the filename parameter is not specified, stdout is used.

##Import Provide the name of the json file for the auth provider you wish to import. This is the entire JSON definition.

    $lacadmin authprovider import --file myauthprovider.json

The import auth provider imports the specified auth provider JSON file. If the filename parameter is not specified, stdin is used. (you can pipe the json file to the import)

##linkProject Provide the name or auth provider ident and this will set the authprovider in API Project/Settings for the active project. (or project ident)

    $lacadmin authprovider linkProject [--auth_name <name> | --ident <ident>]  [--project_ident <ident>]