A fully automated BTK (bot as a tool kit) for instagram. This bot has features which are not often provided by others. This bot is made using EasyInsta library. (make your own now :-) Altho this is a bot (that instagram hates), It is generally used as a tollkit and using toolkit is not wrong for instagram as well as for others. But if you use this as a bot for increasing or gaining likes or followers, or any other type of abnormal activity. You might get temperary ban on your account.
Disclaimer ⚠ : Developer will not be responsible for any kind of ban or suspension of your instagram account. Use at your own risk.
To run this bot, download the .jar file from the latest release.This bot requires JAVA 16 or greater. If you don't have java installed, download the bot with bundeled-jre (.exe). Or better, download the java.
Jar = without java, exe = with java
After downloading, you can run it as below:
with java installed
java -jar Instabot.jar
without java (only windows)
or just double Click it.
- Fast then others (as written in java)
- Supports sending messages
- Supports deleting messages
- Supports spamming
- Supports unfollowing
- Supports dumping chat messages
Instagram have certain limits on what an established accound can do per unit time. These limits are as follows:
- 120 Likes/hour or 300-500/day
- 10 follow/hour or 100-150/day
- 60 unfollow/hour and 150/day
Exceeding these limits may result in temporary ban of your instagrm account.
Read about all limits here
- First login into your instagram account
- Choose any option
- Enter details for respected option
- Wait & watch... BOT will do his work
Note : You can find all the error logs in 'logs.txt' file.
This option is used to spam someone's inbox or group. Bot will automatically sent many messages within few minutes. -> Enter the messages you wish to send separated by comma
Enter spam messages : Hi,Hello,Instabot here
-> Enter the target 🎯 person username to whome you want to spam
Enter username : @x__coder__x
-> Enter number of message to send.
Enter spam count : 20
Use this option to save all your direct chat into chat.txt.
-> Enter the target 🎯 person username of whome you want to dump chat
Enter username : @x__coder__x
-> Select any of the 3 options:-
---------- [ DUMPING OPTIONS ]-----------
1. Dump from particular message
2. Dump 'n' number of messages
3. Dump All messages (full chat)
-> In 1st option, enter the 'message' from where you want to dump. It will start dumping all the messages after that one. For example if the chat is as follows:
Passing, "no way!" will end up in dumping all the messages sent after that (both your's and recipient)
-> In 2nd option, Enter the no of message you want bot to save (from last) for example, if you enter 3, it will save last 3 messages from the chat.
-> In 3rd option, I don't need to explain it. Yhe, it does what the name suggest.
Deleting is also same.
This option will unfollow all your folloings. You can also exclude some if you want.
-> Enter the username you don't want to unfollow (comma seperated). Leave blank to unfollow all.
Enter the username you want to exclude : @x__coder__x,@user123
There is no exit option for stoping the running task. You manually have to terminate/kill the program with keyboard shortcuts.
This bot is made using EasyInsta library. Through this library, anyone can make bots easily. If you want or planning to make your own bot consider using it.
Thanks for showing your intrest on my BOT.