Julia package implementing radio propagation models.
The following is implemented:
- Two-Ray propagation model.
- Rain attenuation for frequencies in the range 1-400 GHz.
- Fog attenuation for frequencies above 5 GHz.
- Atmospheric attenuation for frequencies up to 1000 GHz.
The package can be installed with the Julia package manager.
From the Julia REPL, type ]
to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:
pkg> add RadioPropagation
Or, equivalently, via the Pkg
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("RadioPropagation")
Below is an example showing the two-way loss for two-ray propagation compared to that of free-space propagation.
The code for the eample can be found in the function documentation.
Atmospheric attenuation calculated as per [1].
using Plots
frequency_ghz = collect(1:1000);
attenuation_db_km = RadioPropagation.atmospheric_attenuation_db_per_km.( frequency_ghz );
plot1 = plot( frequency_ghz, attenuation_db_km,
xlabel = "Frequency [GHz]",
ylabel = "One-way loss [dB/km]",
title = "Atmospheric Attenuation.",
#ylims = (),
label = "Standard",
attenuation_db_km = RadioPropagation.atmospheric_attenuation_db_per_km.( frequency_ghz, 288.15, 0 );
plot!( frequency_ghz, attenuation_db_km,
label = "Dry air",
[1] Rec. ITU-R P.676-12, Attenuation by atmospheric gases and related effects, ITU-R 2020.