MFTECmd version
Author: Eric Zimmerman (
f File to process ($MFT | $J | $LogFile | $Boot | $SDS). Required
json Directory to save JSON formatted results to. This or --csv required unless --de or --body is specified
jsonf File name to save JSON formatted results to. When present, overrides default name
csv Directory to save CSV formatted results to. This or --json required unless --de or --body is specified
csvf File name to save CSV formatted results to. When present, overrides default name
body Directory to save bodyfile formatted results to. --bdl is also required when using this option
bodyf File name to save body formatted results to. When present, overrides default name
bdl Drive letter (C, D, etc.) to use with bodyfile. Only the drive letter itself should be provided
blf When true, use LF vs CRLF for newlines. Default is FALSE
dd Directory to save exported FILE record. --do is also required when using this option
do Offset of the FILE record to dump as decimal or hex. Ex: 5120 or 0x1400 Use --de or --vl 1 to see offsets
de Dump full details for entry/sequence #. Format is 'Entry' or 'Entry-Seq' as decimal or hex. Example: 5, 624-5 or 0x270-0x5.
fls When true, displays contents of directory specified by --de. Ignored when --de points to a file.
ds Dump full details for Security Id as decimal or hex. Example: 624 or 0x270
dt The custom date/time format to use when displaying time stamps. Default is: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff
sn Include DOS file name types. Default is FALSE
fl Generate condensed file listing. Requires --csv. Default is FALSE
at When true, include all timestamps from 0x30 attribute vs only when they differ from 0x10. Default is FALSE
vss Process all Volume Shadow Copies that exist on drive specified by -f . Default is FALSE
dedupe Deduplicate -f & VSCs based on SHA-1. First file found wins. Default is FALSE
debug Show debug information during processing
trace Show trace information during processing
Examples: MFTECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\SomeMFT" --csv "c:\temp\out" --csvf MyOutputFile.csv
MFTECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\SomeMFT" --csv "c:\temp\out"
MFTECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\SomeMFT" --json "c:\temp\jsonout"
MFTECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\SomeMFT" --body "c:\temp\bout" --bdl c
MFTECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\SomeMFT" --de 5-5
Short options (single letter) are prefixed with a single dash. Long commands are prefixed with two dashes
MFT parser for NTFS file systems.
All of Eric Zimmerman's tools can be downloaded here.
Open Source Development funding and support provided by the following contributors:
- SANS Institute and SANS DFIR.
- Tines