A Clojure interface for Pail that allows for separate definitions of serialization, vertical partitioning, and PailStructure
It breaks up the PailStructure
interface into two separate Clojure protocols (Serializer
and VerticalPartitioner
) so that serialization and partitioning can be defined separately. Then it defines a macro (gen-structure
) to generate a class that implements PailStructure
by composing the two protocols.
Add clj-pail
to your project's dependencies. If you're using Leiningen, your project.clj
should look something like this:
(defproject ...
:dependencies [[clj-pail VERSION]])
is the latest version on Clojars.
You can generate classes that implement the PailStructure
interface with the gen-structure
macro from the clj-pail.structure
namespace. The PailStructure
interface is used by Pail to serialize, deserialize, and keep organized your data.
(ns ...
(:require [clj-pail.structure :as s]))
(s/gen-structure com.example.pail.DefaultPailStructure)
uses gen-class
under the hood. So any namespace that uses gen-structure
needs to be AOT-compiled. In Leiningen, add your namespace to the :aot
key in project.clj
(defproject ...
:aot [myproj.ns.that.uses.clj-pail.structure])
By default, a PailStructure
class generated with gen-structure
will do nothing. It will be defined to handle byte[]
; serialization and deserialization will do nothing (because your data is already a byte
array); and no vertical partitioning will be defined.
These behaviors can be specified with options to gen-structure
(s/gen-structure com.example.pail.CustomPailStructure
:type java.util.Date
:serializer (CustomDateSerializer. (java.text.DateFormat/getDateTimeInstance))
:partitioner (DailyDatePartitioner.)
:prefix "date-")
This example defines a PailStructure
which serializes Date
objects with a custom serializer and partitioner (explained below). :prefix
can be set (as in gen-class
) to avoid name collisions when defining multiple structures in the same namespace.
Serialization is defined by extending the clj-pail.serializer.Serializer
(ns ...
(:require [clj-pail.serializer :as s]))
; For illustrative purposes only. Please don't serialize your dates this way.
(defrecord CustomDateSerializer [#^java.text.DateFormat format]
(serialize [this date]
(.. (:format this)
(format date)
(deserialize [this buffer]
(.parse (:format this)
(String. buffer))))
Vertical partitioning is defined by extending the clj-pail.partitioner.VerticalPartitioner
(ns ...
(:require [clj-pail.partitioner :as p]))
; For illustrative purposes only. This would be a very inefficient way to partition dates.
(defrecord DailyDatePartitioner []
(make-partition [this date]
(vector ; must return a list
(quot (.getTime date)
(* 24 60 60 1000))))
(validate [this dirs]
(Long/parseLong (first dirs))
[true (rest dirs)])
(catch NumberFormatException e
[false (rest dirs)]))))
Copyright © 2013 David Cuddeback
Distributed under the MIT License.