I just followed Misterio77/nix-starter-configs
- Setup filesystem. I used this guide
- I added a swap BTRFS subvolume as well (can do after running
into the mounted partitions after installing)
- I added a swap BTRFS subvolume as well (can do after running
- regenerate hardware-configuration by running
nixos-generate-config --show-hardware-config
and copy to./nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
- run the flake command:
nixos-rebuild switch --use-remote-sudo --flake .#asus-vivobook
- setup password for
- switch user and run home-manager
- dotfiles using
- Plasma
- setup new activity
- import window rules
- add tmux and thunderbird autostart
- Thunderbird
- backup from old computer by running the command:
tar --create --gzip --verbose --file thunder.tar.gz ~/.thunderbird/
- run Thunderbird once on the new computer and untar all files to the newly created profile at
- backup from old computer by running the command:
- setup SSH keys
- steam and lutris
- mpv plugins
- megasync
- retroarch