Runs a Free Minecraft Server within Heroku.
For the Buildpack, see Here.
- No Server Idling (Uses a Worker Process over Web)
- Supports Paper, Purpur, Spigot & Other Servers
- Compatible with Plugins/Mods (For Mods, a Custom Modded Server JAR is Needed)
- Automatically Updates the Server with new Minecraft Versions
- Creates a Permanent Server Address using Dynu DNS
- World Saving/Loading through Dropbox or Amazon S3
- Ngrok Addresses are easily Guessable/Bruteforcable: If you don't want Random Griefers joining your server, invest in a Whitelist/Server Security Plugins
- Store your World on Dropbox/Amazon S3 as a Compressed (.tar.gz) file instead of Git, as using Git will dramatically increase your Upload Size to Heroku
- Plugins can't auto-update with the Server: If you use a lot of them, consider setting your
to an older Version of Minecraft, until you can Manually Update your Plugins/Server to a newer Version
First, clone this Repo
git clone
Next, create a Heroku app, and then link your Repo to use Heroku as your Remote using the CLI
heroku git:remote -a <Your-App-Name>
You can now Freely Edit the Server Properties/Server Icon/OPs/Whitelist
You can customise your Minecraft Server using Config Variables
(Keep in Mind these Variables are set with Optimised Default Values. Only change these if you know what you're doing)
heroku config:set MINECRAFT_VERSION = "latest" = Change the Minecraft Version your Server will Run. "latest" Downloads Newest Available Version for your Server. Some Servers do not Support Latest Version Downloading
heroku config:set SERVER="purpur" = Change the Server Software used. Vanilla Server not Available due to Poor Heroku Performance. Some Servers may only operate with More RAM. "none" Downloads No Server. Server Options available:
heroku config:set MEMORY="500m" = Change Memory Allocated to the Java Server, can be in (m)egabytes or (g)igabytes. Free Dyno can support up to 500m
You can also set Additional Optional Config Variables. These are more situational in use
heroku config:set SYNC_SAVE = "false" = Forcefully Disable World Saving through Dropbox/Amazon S3. Useful for Loading a Custom Word without Overwriting it
heroku config:set SYNC_LOAD = "false" = Forcefully Disable World Loading through Dropbox/Amazon S3. Useful for Forcefully Saving over an Old World
Create a New Free Ngrok Account and copy your Auth Token
Config Variable to your Auth Token
heroku config:set NGROK_API_TOKEN="Your-Auth-Token"
NOTE: Dynu DNS requires an Ngrok account
Create a New Free Dynu Account
From the Control Panel, navigate to DDNS Services
Create your Domain Name from Option 1: One of Dynu's Free Shared Top Level Domains
. This will be the IP others will Connect To to Join your Server
Click DNS Records
and Add a New DNS Record with the Following Information set. All other Fields can be Left as Default
Node Name = mcngrok
Click Add DNS Record
Now add another DNS Record and set the Following Information. All other Fields can be Left as Default
Node Name = _minecraft._tcp
Type = SRV
Target = mcngrok.<The-Rest-Of-Your-Domain-Here>
Click Add DNS Record
Copy your OAuth Client ID and Secret
Config Variables to your Client ID and Secret
heroku config:set DYNU_CLIENT_ID="Your-Client-ID"
heroku config:set DYNU_SECRET="Your-Secret"
Create a New Free Dropbox Account
Download Dropbox-Uploader
from Github onto your local Linux / Cygwin Windows Machine:
curl "" -o
Next, Run the Bash File and Follow it's Instructions
chmod +x
./ -f Config.txt
Your Config file Config.txt
should Contain the Following
Config Variables to these Values appropriately
heroku config:set DROPBOX_APP_KEY="Your-App-Key"
heroku config:set DROPBOX_APP_SECRET="Your-App-Secret"
heroku config:set DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN="Your-Refresh-Token"
Amazon S3 [OPTIONAL] (Paid Alternative to Permanently Save/Load your World)
Create an AWS Account and an S3 Bucket
Configure the Bucket and set your AWS Keys to the AWS_BUCKET
Config Variables
heroku config:set AWS_BUCKET="Your-Bucket-Name"
heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY="Your-Access-Key"
heroku config:set AWS_SECRET_KEY="Your-Secret-Key"
Finally, Commit & Push the Repo to Heroku
git add .
git commit -am "Heroku Initial Upload"
git push heroku
After Enabling your Worker/Web Dyno in the Resources tab, your Server should Start
If using Ngrok, your Server's IP Address will be found at
If using Dynu, your Server's IP Address will be your Created Domain Name (May Take up to 5 Minutes to Update)
The Minecraft Server runs inside of a screen
Session. You can use Heroku Exec to Connect to your Server Console
heroku ps:exec
screen -r
WARNING You are now connected to the Minecraft server. Use Ctrl-A Ctrl-D
to Suspend the Screen Session. (If you hit Ctrl-C
while in the Session, you'll Terminate the Minecraft Server)
This project contains work from the following contributors:
- jkutner - For their original Heroku Minecraft Server repo
- onpat and gamer4life1 - For their Implementations of Dropbox Syncing