Currently in alpha version. Please subscribe to new releases to be notified about breaking changes.
Tmux plugin for mite-cli which can show current tracking status, tracked duration and revenue of today or the whole month in your tmux status bar.
the current month’s revenuemite_month_duration
the current month’s durationmite_status
current tracker status, shows currently tracked durationmite_today_duration
todays total durationmite_today_revenue
todays revenue
The plugin requires a properly and globally installed version of mite-cli
With tpm
Add the following line to your ~/.tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'robhurring/tmux-spotify'
Reload plugins with prefix+I
Clone the source directly to the plugins directory
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins
Add the plugin to the tmux configuration
run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-mite-cli/mite-cli.tmux
Restart tmux
The variables can be added to the left or right status line. See the example which adds all variables to the left status bar:
set -g status-left 'mite: #{mite_status} #{mite_today_duration} (#{mite_today_revenue}) / #{mite_month_duration} (#{mite_month_revenue})'
Reload tmux prefix+r config or restart.