Use SikuliX from real Python via py4j (but no need to know, how it works ;-)
under development -- no guarentee for anything :-)
... but you might post issues (questions, bugs, ideas, requests, ...)
What you need
- the latest 1.1.4 sikulixapi.jar (
- a Python installation 2.7 up to 3.7 (3.7 recommended)
- a mature Python IDE (I use IntelliJ's PyCharm) or just a Python REPL.
How to test
Currently it is recommended, to fork this project and work in the project context.
But this should also be possible:
- copy the folder
from inside the project to a place, where your Python will find it, when imported
In both cases:
- put
from sikulix4phyton import *
at the beginning of your test script - use stuff from
just as is - use stuff from
to access features of the SikuliX API classes like Region, Screen, Location ...
Currently you have to look into the Python files, to find out, what is possible.
How is the SikuliX Java API accessed from Python
Before running Python scripts this way, you have to start a SikuliX server instance manually:
java -jar path-to/sikulixapi.jar pythonserver
When you see this in the terminal window, it is running:
März 15, 2019 10:26:20 VORM. py4Java.GatewayServer fireServerStarted
INFO: Gateway Server Started
What is the plan
- have the complete official SikuliX API with docs available at time of script development (autocomplete, docs, help, ...)
- be able to additionally access every public method from the SikuliX Java API (you must know the method signature)
- have a handy solution for handling image path's of imported scripts/modules
- run existing SikuliX scripts without changes (... but there will surely be exceptions)
Things you should be aware off
- you might get any problem at any time, since the current state is
proof of concept
- anything might be changed at any time without notice
- errors and warnings you get in the terminal window can be ignored, as long as it works as intended on the Python side
- output coming from the SikuliX Java API is currently only going to the terminal window
- my current development work is on macOS 10.14, Java 11, Python 3.7 with PyCharm
- no tests on Windows nor Linux yet
An example
# should be opened in Safari
# build the bridge to SikuliX
from sikulix4python import *
# make images available in the folder of the script
hover() # undotted uses SCREEN object (sxundotted)
scr = Screen()
# getCenter() is found auto-magically,
# though not defined in the Python class Screen
# see sxclasses::__getattr__
# one gets method missing, if signatures do not fit
img = "img.png" # located via ImagePath
# a Match object is completely handled at the Java level
# not defined at the Python level
match = scr.exists(img, 3) # method missing, wrong signature
match = scr.exists(img, 3.0) # number must be float/double
if match: