Digital asset exchange web side
The following dependencies are required to run an instance:
- NodeJS - 9.11.2
- Npm - 5.6.0
# install dependencies
npm i
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
- Use less uniformly, and the experiment can customize the theme through variable coverage;
- iview components are referenced on demand;
- For large files such as exchange.vue, code splitting/componentization;
- The page is named using camel case, such as Exchange.vue, WithdrawRecord.vue. The name must be an English word and must correctly describe the function of the module.
- It is forbidden to use Pinyin in variable names, especially Pinyin abbreviations.
- When there are many pages, you should use folders for classification.
- There should be as few data variables in the module as possible. If there are more data variables, they should be managed using sub-objects.