This project is a Windows Forms application developed to manage airplane reservation operations. Users can select flight routes, make seat reservations, and view flight information.
- .NET 6.0: The main framework of the project.
- Windows Forms: For the user interface.
- C#: Programming language.
- JSON: Data storage format.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd airplane_reservation
Install Required Packages:
dotnet restore
Build and Run the Project:
dotnet run
Reservation Form:
- Enter Name, Surname, Gender, Disabled, and Elderly information.
- Select the flight date and route.
- Click the "Select Seat" button to choose a seat.
Seat Selection:
- Click on the desired seat in the opened form.
- The selected seat number and the remaining seat count will be displayed on the main form.
- Airplane Information: Stored in the
class and saved in JSON format. - Reservation Information: Stored in the
class and saved in JSON format. - Seat Information: Stored in the
class and saved in JSON format.
- Loading the Reservation Form:
public rezervasyon()
cbCountry.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "Turkey", "USA", "Germany" });
cbCountry2.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "Turkey", "USA", "Germany" });
//new airplane models
ucak ucak1 = new ucak();
ucak1.model = "Boeing 737";
ucak1.yolcuKapasitesi = 162;
ucak1.seriNo = "abcd123456789";
ucak1.bakımTarihi = "5/10/23";
ucak ucak2 = new ucak();
ucak2.model = "AIRBUS A330";
ucak2.yolcuKapasitesi = 268;
ucak2.bakımTarihi = "1/10/23";
ucak2.seriNo = "73248758235abcd";
- Seat Selection:
private void Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button selectedButton = (Button)sender; // Cast sender to determine which button was clicked.
string seatNumber = selectedButton.Name.Replace("button_", ""); // Remove "button_" text to get the seat number.
// Transfer seat number to the main form
rezervasyon mainForm = (rezervasyon)Application.OpenForms["rezervasyon"];
mainForm.label8.Text = seatNumber;
mainForm.label11.Text = mainForm.ucakYolcuKapasitesi.ToString();
- Form Closing Operation:
private void myForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
// Enable the button when the form closes
button2.Enabled = true;
Fork and Clone:
git clone
Create a New Branch:
git checkout -b new-feature
Make Your Changes and Commit:
git commit -am 'Added new feature'
Push Your Branch:
git push origin new-feature
Create a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE