You need to install global plop and local plop.
- npm install -g plop
if using yarn
- yarn global add plop
if your project is vue
- copy src/vue/plop folder and src/vue/plopfile.js file to your project
if your project is react
- none... has ever used React yet
- basic usage:
just enter "plop" and follow bash selector
// ... then you can generate as follow
❯ component - ui component
view - page view component
router - generate router
service - generate api control service
util - generate util
store.module - generate store module
you can enter step by step, or just enter at once
// util
plop util signup
- generate component:
ui component and page view has two type: 'basic' and 'decorator'
plop component <name> <type>
// view
plop util login basic
// ui component
plop component singup decorator
- generate service:
servcie need to enter base url at last
// service
plop service user /api/user
you can setting /plop/cust.config.js file to help plop know where you want to put the generated file.
// /plop/cust.config.js
module.exports = {
path: {
components: "src/components/",
views: "src/views/",
services: "src/services/",
utils: "src/utils/",
router: "src/router/",
modules: "src/store/modules/",
you can change the config file to fit your own project constructor.
Notice make sure the path string close with '/'
find out /plop/templates and change the template you want.
follow Handlebars rules