This is the customer relationship manager website created for technical proof of some concepts using an Angular framework.
- material ui library
- ngrx library
- store-devtools
- @ngrx/effects
- flex-layout
- ngx-cookie-service
- husky
- eslint
- prettier
- date time picker
- Dark theme.
- Setup ESLINT with prettier and husky to run ESLINT rules automatically.
- Implement alias imports.
- Implement responsiveness using flex-layout.
- Implement theming using material themes in most components.
- Add a no internet page when there is no internet connection.
- Log ngrx statuses to the console.
- Log http calls to the console.
- Routing:
- add not found page.
- use guard.
- use resolver in customer module.
- use children routes.
- Implement login using ngrx, effect and cookies.
- Implement functionality on the customer list [get-add-update-delete].
- sync data with local storage.
- log all changes to the console.
- after refreshing the project, all data will be reset.
- Pagination.
- Implement functionality on the product list [get-add-update-delete] using "ngrx" full cycle:
- only in the front-end side and using ngrx.
- use the dev tool to track updates.
- log all statuses to the console.
- after refreshing the project, all data will be reset.
- Create special error messages based on backend error responses.
- Create a shared file for colors in the project.
- All icons are from the Material Library.
- Handle errors globally using http interceptor.
- Use the date-time picker and customize its style.
- Shared components
- dialog component
- get content as template from parent component.
- card component
- get some html content from parent.
- send events to parent.
- loading component
- snackbar component
- product form
- dialog component
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/