The metering point domain is in charge of maintaining grid areas and creating the different metering point types in their respective grid areas, as well as maintaining the metering point state. Furthermore the domain supports metering point master data updates not related to an energy supplier or consumer updates.
Learn how to get started with Green Energy Hub here.
Learn how to get a development environment up and running for development, debugging, testing or evaluation purposes here.
These are the processes maintained by this domain.
- A market actor can create all metering point types - Done
- A market actor can update metering point master data on all metering point types - Done
- A market actor can connect all metering point types - Done
- A market actor can disconnect and reconnect metering points - Done
- We can send messages to market actors through MessageHub - Done
- We publish all metering point created events
- A market actor can close down a metering point - In progress
- A Market actor can access a GUI and search for metering points they own - Done
- A market actor can access a GUI and view the status of their processes - In progress
Please see the community documentation